Rollkit-udviklere udnytter Bitcoin til suveræne rollups, Udløst kritik fra Ethereum-tilhængere

The Rollkit development team has announced that Bitcoin has been integrated as a means for sovereign rollups to store and retrieve data. The developers have stated that it is now possible to run the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on Bitcoin as

Amerikanske anklagere søger yderligere at begrænse den tidligere FTX-chef Sam Bankman-Frieds internetadgang

USA. attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), Damian Williams, and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are requestingproposed modificationsto the bail conditions of former FTX CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried. The SDNY prosecutor is asking the court to

Crypto Exchange Coinbase lancerer Ethereum L2 Scaling Network kaldet Base

The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has announced the deployment of Base, an Ethereum layer two (L2) scaling network, after developers launched the Base testnet on Thursday. The company said it is incubating Base within Coinbase and that the L2 chain will progressively

Kraken CEO opfordrer Kongressen til at beskytte USA's kryptoindustri efter forlig med SEC Over Staking Program

The CEO of crypto exchange Kraken, Jesse Powell, has called on Congress to pass a law to protect the U.S. crypto industry after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) took action against his trading platform over its crypto staking service. Kraken’s

Indisk kryptobørs Wazirx kalder Binances påstande 'falske og udokumenterede' - søger klageadgang

Indian crypto exchange Wazirx has denied the allegations made by Binance regarding the relationship between the two crypto exchanges. Emphasizing that the allegationsare false and unsubstantiated,” Wazirx stressed. “As far as Binance’s actions are concerned, we are taking the necessary

Starkware planlægger at åbne kildekode-nøgleteknologi knyttet til Starknet Prover

Ved Starkware-sessionerne 2023 begivenhed, afholdt på Cameri Theatre i Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware-medstifter Eli Ben-Sasson informerede publikum om, at virksomheden har til hensigt at åbne kildekode “nøgleteknologi” knyttet til Starknet Prover. Under arrangementet, medstifteren…

Beslutningsbaseret Vestbørs opstår, Sigter mod at demokratisere evige fremtider

A new decentralized exchange (dex) on Arbitrum, called Vest Exchange, was announced this past weekend, and the team that created the project said the platform aims to focus on democratizing perpetual futures. The team behind Vest further detailed that the new

Det Hvide Hus udgiver 'Roadmap' for at mindske kryptovaluta-risici

The White House has published aroadmap to mitigate cryptocurrenciesrisks.The roadmap calls for authorities toramp up enforcement where appropriateand Congressto step up its effortsto regulate the crypto sector. It also notes that legislation should not

Polygon annoncerer kommende Hard Fork for at imødegå gasspidser og kædereorganiseringer

The Ethereum scaling blockchain, Polygon, has revealed plans to initiate a hard fork on Jan. 17, 2023. Ifølge holdet, the network upgrade willreduce the severity of gas spikes” og “address chain reorganizations (reorgs) in an effort to reduce

Venezuelanske banker har blokeret 75 Konti siden slutningen af ​​sidste år på grund af kryptovaluta-relaterede aktiviteter

Venezuelan Banks have started eyeing the accounts of customers with ties to cryptocurrency trading, principally related to peer-to-peer (P2P) transaction activity. According to Legalrocks, a crypto and blockchain-focused legal firm in Venezuela, mere end 75 accounts have been blocked by Venezuelan