Coinbase og 17 Andre kryptofirmaer lancerer 'Travel Rule Universal Solution Technology'

På onsdag, det børsnoterede cryptocurrency-firma Coinbase annoncerede lanceringen af ​​en samarbejdsindsats kaldet TRUST, som står for “Travel Rule Universal Solution Technology.” Planen beskrives som en “branchedrevet løsning” developed to comply with the Financial Action Task Force

Fidelity diskuterer fremtiden for kryptoøkosystem - siger, at Bitcoin er 'en overlegen form for penge'

Fidelity Digital Assets has released a report explaining why bitcoin is a superior form of money. The report discusses the future of the digital asset ecosystem and compares bitcoin to newer and smaller cryptocurrencies. Fidelity SaysBitcoin First’ Fidelity digitale aktiver,…

Marathon planlægger at rejse $500 Millioner fra konvertible seniorsedler til køb af bitcoin og minedrift

På mandag, the enterprise bitcoin mining operation Marathon Digital Holdings announced the firm will raise $500 million from convertible senior notes in order to accrue morebitcoin or bitcoin mining machines.Publicly-Listed Mining Operation to Raise $500M From Debt Markets to