New Yorks guvernør underskriver lov, der delvist forbyder Bitcoin-minedrift på fossile brændstoffer

A moratorium on some crypto mining operations relying on carbon-based energy has been signed into law in New York. Businesses engaged in proof-of-work mining in the state will not be able to expand or renew their permits for the next two

Michael Saylor udgiver et åbent brev, hvor han diskuterer 'den store mængde misinformation' knyttet til Bitcoin

The Microstrategy executive Michael Saylor is a big believer in Bitcoin as his company has purchased close to 130,000 bitcoin during the last few years. Six days ago, USA. Office of Science and Technology Policy published a report that claims

Bitcoins 'grundlæggende værdi er ikke i overensstemmelse med markedsprisen' - Crypto Miner

Profitable bitcoin mining is essentially a result of an efficient and highly skilled team of professionals that can maintain runtime, a founder of a Bitcoin mining company has asserted. Derfor, even when the price is hovering around $20,000, a bitcoin miner

Gas-til-Bitcoin-minefirmaet Crusoe Energy Systems hæver $505 Million

På torsdag, bitcoin-mine- og flaregas-bekæmpelsesfirmaet Crusoe Energy Systems Inc. afslørede det sikret $505 millioner i ny kapital fra strategiske investorer. World Cup, Serie C-aktiefinansieringsrunden blev ledet af klimateknologien…