Cashtokens kommer i centrum efter Bitcoin Cash-opgradering: Over 26,000 Tokens oprettet

Following the recent Bitcoin Cash upgrade on Monday, data reveals that approximately 1,308 fungible tokens and 25,336 og Messari (NFT'er) have emerged on the blockchain. i øvrigt, the Cashtokens token ecosystem is now accessible through the blockchain explorers and, allowing

Midt i 'Regulatorisk Apparatur' Mod Crypto, Paul Tudor Jones opretholder Bitcoin-allokering

I et nyligt interview, den anerkendte investor Paul Tudor Jones udtrykte sit perspektiv på bitcoin, anerkender, at der kan være regulatoriske udfordringer forude. Imidlertid, Jones understregede sit urokkelige engagement i den dominerende kryptovaluta, bekræfter, at han fastholder “en lille diversificering” i…

Harvard økonomiprofessor: USA's standard kan udløse en global finanskrise

Harvard economics professor Kenneth Rogoff, who previously served as the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has warned that the U.S. defaulting on its debt obligations could spark a global financial crisis. “It’s a very perilous situation and we

Tidligere Paxful-topchef siger, at han ikke kan 'godkende for noget, der sker der nu' - Platform fortæller brugerne, at den er tilbage online

The former CEO of Paxful, Ray Youssef, has told users of the peer-to-peer bitcoin marketplace that he is no longer in control and therefore cannot vouch foranything that is happening there now.Youssef also told a user who claimed to

ATPBot lancerede en ægte AI kvantitativ handelsbot

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. For nylig, ATPBot, the first truly quantitative trading bot, announced that it can now connect to the Binance API for trading, providing users with more opportunities to trade cryptocurrencies. By registering ATPBot, connect to Binance Exchange, enter your investment amount

Gråtoner Investeringsfiler til 3 Nye børshandlede fonde

i maj 9, digital valuta fondsforvalter Grayscale Investments annoncerede etableringen af ​​Grayscale Funds Trust og indsendte registreringsansøgninger for tre børshandlede fonde med U.S.A.. Securities and Exchange Commission. Grayscale Introduces Grayscale Funds Trust and Files for 3

Nigeria-Kina valutaswap: Aktivistadvokat anklager IMF og Verdensbanken for 'Økonomisk sabotage' for at fremme US Dollar, Opfordrer Nigeria til at slutte sig til BRICS

Nigerian human rights activist and lawyer, Femi Falana, has accused the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) of sabotaging the currency swap arrangement between China and Nigeria. Falana said the Nigerian central bank and the two global financial

Bitcoin-fællesskabet opdelt: Skaleringsudfordringer udløser intens debat, når Mempool flyder over

Denne uge, Bitcoin-fællesskabet har været fyldt med diskussioner om netværkets skaleringsudfordringer. Da blockchains overførselsgebyrer fortsætter med at stige, efterslæbet af transaktioner, der sidder fast i mempoolen, har ramt et hidtil uset højdepunkt. Crypto enthusiasts have been sharing

Crypto Exchange Bittrex går ind i kapitel 11 Konkursbeskyttelse efter SEC-retssag

Bittrex Inc., den USA-baserede kryptovalutabørs, har ansøgt om kap 11 konkursbeskyttelse i Delaware efter at være blevet sagsøgt af U.S.A. Securities and Exchange Commission for manglende registrering hos tilsynsmyndigheden. Udvekslingen er angiveligt slut 100,000 creditors and liabilities

'Landmark' kryptolov foreslået i New York for at etablere 'Stærkeste og mest omfattende' kryptoregler i USA

New York State Attorney General Letitia James has proposed “landmark” crypto legislation that claims to be “the strongest and most comprehensive set of regulations on cryptocurrency” in the United States. “Rampant fraud and dysfunction have become the hallmarks of cryptocurrency and