Midt i høj energiefterspørgsel fra minearbejdere, Rusland overvejer at bygge nye kraftværker i Sibirien

Growing electricity consumption in the crypto mining sector may require the construction of new power generation facilities in Siberia, the energy minister of Russia has acknowledged. Demand continues to increase in residential areas as well, after regional authorities abandoned a proposal

Dronning Maxima af Holland ser flere fordele ved digital euro

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands has outlined multiple benefits central bank digital currencies (CBDC'er) could bring, particularly in the area of financial inclusion. “Governments could use a digital euro to channel financial support to low-income households. This would deepen longer-term inclusion,…

Elektricitetsforbrug af russiske kryptominearbejdere spidser 20 Gange ind 5 Flere år, Forskningsfund

Kraftbehovet hos cryptocurrency-minearbejdere i Rusland er vokset betydeligt siden 2017, med en 20-dobling af forbruget af elektrisk energi over den femårige periode. I 2021, prægningen af ​​mønten med den største markedsværdi, bitcoin, påkrævet 1.25 gigawatts

Iran ændrer forordninger for at lette kryptominearbejderes adgang til vedvarende energi

Myndigheder i Iran har revideret nogle regler for kryptomineindustrien for at lette dens adgang til grøn strøm. Licensed miners will now be able to purchase electricity produced from renewable sources from across the country at lower rates….

Blockchain-baseret socialt netværk Viblos lancerer betaversion i marts

EU bør forbyde proof-of-work kryptomining, en direktør hos den europæiske værdipapirvagthund har insisteret. Coins relying on the energy-intensive method of minting pose a risk to efforts aimed at meeting climate change goals such as those set in the

Iranske lovgivere er imod kryptorestriktioner, Ring for støttebestemmelser

Members of the Iranian parliament, the Majlis, have voiced concerns over Tehrans restrictive policies towards innovations such as cryptocurrencies. Following the release of a study recommending a new approach towards the crypto industry, the lawmakers have called for the adoption of