Crypto Exchange Bitrue lider $23 Million Hack

Den Singapore-baserede kryptobørs Bitrue har mistet millioner af U.S. dollars’ værdi af ether og andre mønter i et hack. Handelsplatformen suspenderede tilbagetrækninger indtil begyndelsen af ​​næste uge for at udføre yderligere sikkerhedstjek og lovede at kompensere de berørte brugere. Bitrue…

Hackere stjal $3.8 Milliard fra kryptofirmaer i 2022, Siger Chainalysis

Blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis says 2022 wasthe biggest year ever for crypto hacking,” med $3.8 billion stolen from cryptocurrency businesses. The firm added that decentralized finance (defi) protocol hacks accounted for 82.1% of all cryptocurrency stolen by hackers during the

At stole på centraliserede databaser gør Dapps sårbare over for datamanipulation, siger Nate Holiday

Decentralized applications (dapps) are prone to data tampering because theyare largely built on top of centralized databases and services,” the CEO of Space and Time Nate Holiday has said. The CEO also shared a list of data tampering risks which

Hacker Siphons Tæt på $300K i OHM-tokens fra Olympus DAO

På fredag, oktober 21, en ondsindet enhed sugede 30,437 OHM-tokens fra Olympus DAO efter at have fundet et smuthul i rebase-projektets smarte kontrakt. Efter udnyttelsen, blockchain-sikkerheds- og dataanalysevirksomheden, Peckshield, detaljerede hackerne stjal tæt på…

Uniswap Foundation til at distribuere $1.8 Millioner i tilskud til 14 Modtagere

The Uniswap Foundation (UF), the group behind the decentralized exchange (dex) Uniswap, announced the first wave of foundation grants on Wednesday as it plans to distribute $1.8 million total, awarded across 14 grants. The UF announcement details that a touch more

Brasiliansk Crypto-investeringsplatform Bluebenx stopper udbetalinger under hack-anklager

Bluebenx, en Brasilien-baseret cryptocurrency investeringsplatform, suspenderede tilbagetrækninger i sidste uge på grund af et påstået hack, der fik virksomheden til at tabe mere end $31 million. Virksomheden meddelte, at tilbagetrækningerne ville blive stoppet i mindst seks måneder. The company has

Cardano Spikes som tilhængere forventer Vasil Hard Fork, Afstemning viser, at ADA forventes at ramme $1 inden udgangen af ​​juni

I løbet af de sidste syv dage, the cryptocurrency cardano has increased in value by 17.3% mod U.S.A. dollar, as the community anticipates the upcoming Vasil hard fork, an upgrade that aims to improve the networks throughput and enhance smart contract capabilities….

Axie Infinity taber $620 Million efter hacker kompromitterede Ronin Validators

According to Sky Mavis, the creators of the blockchain NFT game Axie Infinity, the Ronin network has been attacked, and a hacker has managed to siphon 173,600 in ethereum and 25.5 million usd coin (USDC). The attacker has obtained roughly $620