E-handelsgigant Ebay erhverver NFT Marketplace Knownorigin

E-handels- og onlineauktionsgiganten Ebay har annonceret, at virksomheden har erhvervet det ikke-fungible token (NFT) markedsplads Knownorigin. Ebay erklærede, at opkøbet er en “vigtigt skridt på Ebay’s tech-ledet reimagination.” Ebay Purchases NFT Marketplace in Order to Make E-Commerce

Undersøgelse viser, at USA er hjemsted for 41% af NFT Companies Worldwide

According to a study calledA World of NFT Adoptionpublished by nftclub.com, the United States has the most non-fungible token (NFT) company headquarters in the world. While the U.S. captures more than 41% of the NFT companies worldwide, the second

Milliardær David Rubenstein om, hvorfor han skiftede mening om krypto - siger "Jeg var skeptisk i begyndelsen"

David Rubenstein, the founder of Carlyle Group, one of the largest investment firms managing over $300 milliard, says he was skeptical of crypto but now believes thatthe genie is out of the bottleand the crypto industry is notgoing

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin

Carl Icahn krypto, Carl Icahn krypto, Carl Icahn krypto. Carl Icahn krypto “Carl Icahn krypto” Carl Icahn krypto “Carl Icahn krypto” og “Carl Icahn krypto” Billionaire Carl Icahn Predicts