Sotheby's til Auction 3AC's NFT Collection, Herunder Larva Labs' Zombie Punk og Dmitri Cherniaks 'Golden Goose'

På onsdag, Sothebys, one of the world’s largest brokers of fine and decorative art, announced its plans to auction a number of non-fungible token (NFT) assets that were previously owned by the now-defunct crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC). Det…

Kraken lukker kryptobørsen i Japan med henvisning til et svagt globalt kryptomarked

Cryptocurrency exchange Kraken is shutting down services in Japan. The company explained that the current Japanese market conditions and a weak global crypto market do not justify the resources needed to further grow its business in Japan at this time. Kategori…

Forskning viser, at centraliserede udvekslinger fik flest besøg fra amerikanere i år, koreanere, russere

Residents of the United States, South Korea and the Russian Federation have been the most frequent users of centralized exchanges this year, according to a new study. The finding comes after the spectacular crash of FTX, one of the largest such

Mark Cuban siger, at FTX-implosion ikke er kryptoblowup - forklarer hvorfor han investerer i krypto

Shark Tank-stjerne og ejer af NBA-holdet Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, says recent blowups in the crypto space, including the FTX implosion, “have been banking blowups,” not crypto blowups. He also explained why he invests in crypto. Recent

Mere end et halvt dusin amerikanske værdipapirtilsynsmyndigheder indgiver handlinger mod kryptolångiver Nexo

Crypto lender Nexo is having issues with state authorities from California, New York, Washington, Kentucky, Vermont, South Carolina, and Maryland. The enforcement actions from multiple state securities regulators detail that Nexos Earn Interest Product (EIP) may be in violation of securities

Milliardær Mark Cuban sagsøgt for angiveligt at have promoveret en massiv krypto-"Ponzi-ordning"

Shark Tank-stjerne og ejer af NBA-holdet Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, står over for et gruppesøgsmål for at promovere Voyager Digital’s kryptoprodukter. Sagsøgerne hævder, at Voyager var “et massivt Ponzi-skema” og cubansk “duped millions of

Amerikansk statstilsynsmyndighed advarer om kryptorentebærende konti midt i markedsnedgangen

The financial regulator of the U.S. state of Arizona has warned investors about crypto interest-bearing accounts. “Some companies may materially overstate the degree to which their collateral practices protect their ability to pay investors the stated return,” the regulator said. State

Crypto Exchange Zipmex stopper udbetalinger under henvisning til markedsbetingelser, Økonomiske vanskeligheder for forretningspartnere

Cryptocurrency exchange Zipmex har standset hævninger pga “volatile markedsforhold, og de deraf følgende økonomiske vanskeligheder for vores vigtigste forretningspartnere.” Børsen opererer i Singapore, Australien, Indonesien, og Thailand. Zipmex sætter udbetalinger på pause Krypto-udveksling Zipmex, som opererer i Singapore, Australien,…

Bitcoins 'grundlæggende værdi er ikke i overensstemmelse med markedsprisen' - Crypto Miner

Profitable bitcoin mining is essentially a result of an efficient and highly skilled team of professionals that can maintain runtime, a founder of a Bitcoin mining company has asserted. Derfor, even when the price is hovering around $20,000, a bitcoin miner

Tether likviderer Celsius Bitcoin-lån - 'Positionen er blevet likvideret uden tab' til virksomheden

i juli 8, 2022, virksomheden bag den største stablecoin i verden, Tether, afslørede, at firmaet likviderede et lån til kryptolångiveren Celsius, og den medførte likvidation “ingen tab til Tether.” Ifølge stablecoin-udstederen, det…