Som Fed vänder 109 År gammal, den amerikanska dollarns köpkraft urholkas med mer än 96% Sedan det skapades

109 years ago, USA. Federal Reserve was created and ever since that day, the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar has dropped a great deal. Since the Fed started, mer än 96% of the greenbacks purchasing power has been erased

Brandt säger att DOGE Bear Market är över, Kiyosaki råder att köpa BTC 'Before Fed Pivot,' stödde Ramírez-utmaningar för WBA-världstiteln i boxning — vecka i granskning

In this week’s hottest stories from News, veteran trader Peter Brandt says the bear market that began for dogecoin back in May is over, boxer Gilberto ‘Zurdo de Oro’ (Golden Southpaw) Ramírez steps up for a shot at the

Medan officiella siffror hävdar att Turkiets inflationstakt är 85%, Tredjepartsstatistik säger att det är närmare 200%

Inflation has skyrocketed in Turkey as official figures from the Turkish Statistical Institute (Tüik) show the country’s inflation rate topped 85.5% year-on-year. The inflation rate in Turkey has risen for 17 consecutive months and last month it reached a 24-year high….

Bank of England höjer reporäntan med 75 bps — Storbritanniens 30-åriga fasta bolåneränta hoppar till 7%

On Nov. 3, 2022, the Bank of England followed the U.S. Federal Reserve by codifying the eighth consecutive benchmark bank rate hike by 75 baspunkter (bps). The increase brings the United Kingdom’s main lending rate to 3%, after a majority

Fed kodifierar fjärde raka 75bps räntehöjning — Aktier, Bitcoin, och metaller stiger

USA. Federal Reserve introduced another jumbo rate hike on Wednesday, nov. 2, 2022, by hiking the federal funds rate (FFR) förbi 75 baspunkter (bps). The American central bank said on Wednesday that the hike aims to curb inflation and

Ark Invests vd varnar för att räntehöjningar kan leda till en "deflationär byst" i ett öppet brev till Fed

Following the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report that the U.S. Federal Reserve should stop raising rates, Ark Invest CEO Catherine Wood has published an open letter to the U.S. central bank asking the institution to stop raising

Feds inflationsdata visar att KPI kommer att höjas i framtiden, USA:s bruttostatsskuld $31 Biljon

A recently published forecast stemming from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands Inflation Nowcasting data indicates upcoming U.S. konsumentprisindex (KPI) metrics will likely be elevated. The newly predicted CPI levels were recorded the same day Americas gross national debt

S&P Global Report säger att EU och Storbritannien befinner sig i en lågkonjunktur, Putin tycker att väst är girigt

I dag’s blustery global economy has everyone on edge as inflation has wreaked havoc on the wallets of ordinary people and energy prices continue to soar worldwide. According to Credit Suisse, “the worst is yet to come,” as the global investment bank’s…

Nicolas Maduro frestar västerut med ett överflöd av olja och gas, Venezuelas president vill häva sanktionerna

Amid the economic rumblings across the world and the energy crisis in Europe, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has said his country is ready to step up and help with oil. Despite the fact that Venezuela has the largest supply of crude

"Ultra Sound Money" - Statistik efter sammanslagning visar att Ethereums emissionstakt sjönk efter PoS-övergång

Months before Ethereum transitioned from proof-of-work (PoW) till bevis på insats (PoS), a simulation of The Merge had shown the networks issuance rate would drop following the ruleset change. Statistics now show that the simulations predictions have come to fruition as the network’s…