Vietnamesisk regering och centralbank utvecklar juridiskt ramverk för krypto

Vietnam is creating a legal framework for cryptocurrency. Landet’s deputy prime minister has instructed the Ministries of Finance, Justice, and Information & Communications to work with the central bank, the State Bank of Vietnam, on the framework. Vietnam Creating Legal

Strömningstjänsten Sling TV lägger till stöd för kryptobetalning för månatliga prenumerationer

The American streaming television service Sling TV has announced the company is now accepting cryptocurrency payments from customers paying their monthly subscriptions. Sling TV detailed the company is leveraging the crypto payment provider Bitpay and will accept seven different cryptocurrencies and

Deloitte: 82% av undersökta indianer planerar att investera i krypto när regeringen ger klarhet i regelverket

A recent survey by Deloitte shows that 82% of Indians plan to invest in cryptocurrency when the government provides more clarity surrounding the regulation of crypto assets. Dessutom, 77.4% of respondents want cryptocurrency to be treated as securities. Indian Crypto Survey:…

25% av amerikanska vuxna planerar att börja investera i krypto, Undersökning visar

A U.S. consumer survey shows that 25% of respondents who currently do not own cryptocurrency plan to start investing in crypto. “2021 was a good year for crypto. Of the respondents that own crypto, more than half reported that they had

Visum: En av fyra tillfrågade företag planerar att acceptera kryptovalutabetalningar i år

Payments giant Visa has conducted a survey of small businesses and found that almost a quarter of those who responded plan to accept cryptocurrency payments this year. “I think more people are feeling more confident with crypto,” said a Visa executive….

Institutionella investerare säger att SEC har mer makt att reglera krypto kommer att öka priserna

Institutional investors are optimistic about the U.S. säkerhet och utbytesprovision (SEC) having more power to regulate the crypto market, a recent survey shows. They believe that if the SEC is granted extra powers, the prices of cryptocurrencies will be positively

Genesis Trading ser "starka tecken" på att institutionell kryptoinvesteringstillväxt accelererar nästa år

Genesis Trading’s head of market insights says that the institutional investment growth in the crypto space over the last 12 månader “has been astonishing.The executive added: “Vi’re seeing strong signs of that accelerating over the next year.Strong Signs of

Bank of Russia vill förbjuda värdepappersfonder från att investera i kryptovaluta

Ryssland’s centralbank avser att förbjuda värdepappersfonder från att förvärva kryptotillgångar eller relaterade finansiella instrument. Förslaget, vilket är i linje med dess hårda hållning om decentraliserade digitala pengar, comes after the regulator urged stock exchanges to avoid trading

Institutionella investerare förväntar sig stor korrigering på kryptomarknaden nästa år

Many institutional investors are predicting a major correction in the cryptocurrency market next year, a survey published by Natixis Investment Managers shows. Despite seeing crypto as the top contender for a major correction, institutional investors are increasingly warming up to the

Bank of Russia avvisar tillhandahållande av kryptorelaterade finansiella tjänster

Ryssland’s central bank has voiced opposition to the provision of financial services related to cryptocurrencies. The monetary authority believes such offerings would go against the interests of Russian investors as they are highly risky. Central Bank of Russia Unwilling to Allow