Visdomsträd: Crypto är en ny tillgångsklass som folk inte kan ignorera

An executive at Wisdomtree, an asset management firm with $78 billion under management, says thatCryptocurrencies have firmly established themselves as a new asset class and it truly is something that people cant ignore.” Han lade till: “We are past the point

SEC-förseningar 4 Bitcoin ETF Deadlines - Regulator "finner det lämpligt att utse en längre tidsperiod"

På fredag, USA. säkerhet och utbytesprovision (SEC) has delayed four bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETF) deadlines for another 45 dagar. The regulator notes that the entity needs more time to decide on the ETF applications. Global X, Kryptoin, Valkyrie, Visdomsträd…