Den största NFT-myntverket i historien – Bored Ape's Otherside Virtual Land Sale Raises $320 Miljon

På lördag, the creators of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), Yuga Labs, revealed the Otherside metaverse virtual land sale which turned out to be one of the largest non-fungible token (NFT) mints to date. The Otherside metaverse virtual land sale raised

Sandlådan samarbetar med en myriad av Hong Kong-armaturer, Planerar att lansera Metaverse "Mega City"

The Animoca Brands subsidiary and blockchain-based virtual world, The Sandbox, has announced the firm has made multiple partnerships in Hong Kong, and has plans to create aMega Cityin the metaverse. Partners who acquired land in The Sandbox to build