Binance ökar USDC-innehav när BUSD:s börsvärde sjunker

Eight days ago, Paxos announced that the company would no longer mint the stablecoin BUSD. Sedan dess, the coins market capitalization has been sliding lower as redemptions have become more prominent. Under tiden, a data researcher from Nansen has discovered that Binance,…

Expert förutspår hotande ekonomisk kollaps när BRICS-länderna förenas mot dollarn

Andy Schectman, VD för Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments, förklarade i en intervju nyligen att de fem ledande tillväxtekonomierna—Brasilien, Ryssland, Indien, Kina, och Sydafrika, kollektivt kända som BRICS-nationer—är “sammansmälta mot dollarn.” Schectman tror att sedan 2022, de-dollarisering…

Ukraina snabbar upp digitala hryvniaprojekt, Planerar pilot för i år

Ukrainian authorities are speeding up the development of the electronic hryvnia, a high-ranking government official indicated. The executive power in Kyiv is now in talks with the central bank and businesses involved in the project to pilot the digital currency as

Digitalt guld handlas mot digitala rubel av ryska Rosbank

Rosbank has brokered Russia’s first deal involving the exchange of tokenized gold with the digital version of the Russian national fiat currency, the ruble. The successful transaction demonstrates the growing interest in digital financial assets and the need for digital ruble

Silvergate Capital ådrar sig förlust av $1 Miljarder under Q4 av 2022

Silvergate Capital Corporation, the parent firm of the crypto-focused bank Silvergate Bank, has attributed the $1 billion loss it incurred in the fourth quarter of 2022 to the confidence crisis that permeates the entire crypto ecosystem. While Silvergate has taken steps

Georgia förbereder sig för att lansera Digital Lari Pilot under första halvan av 2023

The central bank of Georgia intends to publish a document detailing the concept of a national digital currency in the coming months. Other participating parties will use it to finalize their proposals for the pilot which the monetary authority plans to

Samsungs Asset Management Arm lanserar Bitcoin Futures ETF i Hong Kong

Samsung’s asset management arm has launched a bitcoin futures exchange-traded fund (ETF). The new actively managed ETF is listed and traded on the Hong Kong stock exchange. It seeksto provide economic exposure to the value of bitcoin,” Samsung detailed. Samsung’s

UK Bank Starling blockerar betalningar till kryptoplattformar – hävdar att krypto är högrisk, Används flitigt för kriminella ändamål

Starling Bank has informed its customers that the bank no longer supports fund transfers to cryptocurrency platforms, including crypto exchanges. The bank stated that cryptocurrenciesare high risk and heavily used for criminal purposes and, as such, we no longer support

Binance lanserar en återhämtningsfond för miljarddollar för kryptoindustrin för att återställa förtroendet efter FTX härdsmälta

Binance has committed $1 billion to a crypto industry recovery initiative to restore confidence following the collapse of crypto exchange FTX. Several other crypto companies have joined Binance’s efforts and committed capital for the recovery fund. Crypto Industry Recovery Initiative Launched