Oregelbundna obligationsavkastningar, Nedstängningar, och krig - 3 Skäl till varför ekonomisk återhämtning inte kommer att ske snabbt

The global economy looks bleak as inflation continues to rise, and a wide array of financial investments continue to shudder in value. Since May 2, 2022, the crypto economy has dropped more than 15% från $1.83 trillion to today’s $1.54 biljon….

Ukraina strävar efter medlemskap i European Blockchain Partnership

Activists and lawmakers in Kyiv are urging the EU to accept Ukraine as a member of the European Blockchain Partnership. They believe the recently adopted lawOn Virtual Assetsopens the way for the country to become a blockchain leader on

MiCA-ändringar som föreslås i sista minuten återupplivar hotet om EU-förbud mot Bitcoin, Rapport avslöjar

Förändringar i EU’s MiCA-förslag för att reglera kryptomarknader, föreslog strax före en omröstning om paketet, indikera att ett bitcoinförbud fortfarande är en möjlighet. Trots att man nyligen tagit bort formuleringar som skulle ha förbjudit mynt med energikrävande gruvdrift, some members of

Deutsche Bank lämnar Ryssland, Säger att det inte kommer att finnas några nya affärer där

Tyskland’s Deutsche Bank has become the latest financial services giant to confirm its leaving Russia over Moscows military assault on Ukraine. The bank has been reducing its Russian exposure since 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea and the conflict in Eastern Ukraine

Europeiska kommissionen lanserar digitala eurokonsultationer i mars, Lägg fram lagförslag i början av nästa år

The executive arm of the EU is gearing up to start public consultations on the digital euro project next month. The European Commission will also prepare new legislation to establish the legal basis for the digital version of the common European

Tillsynsmyndigheten upprepar uppmaningen om EU-förbud mot brytning av arbetsprov

EU bör förbjuda proof-of-work kryptomining, en chef vid European Securities Watchdog har insisterat. Coins relying on the energy-intensive method of minting pose a risk to efforts aimed at meeting climate change goals such as those set in the

Europe's Securities Watchdog söker feedback om regleringar inför DLT Pilot

ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority, has set out to establish if EU authorities need to amend existing regulations in order to facilitate the trading and settlement of tokenized securities. The regulator is now seeking opinions on the matter ahead

Eurosystemet godkänner nytt ramverk för övervakning av kryptotjänster

The monetary authority of the euro area, the Eurosystem, has introduced a new framework for overseeing electronic payments, including services related to crypto assets. The new set of rules will complement upcoming EU regulations for cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. ECB Aims for

Slovenien lanserar offentliga samråd om lagar om kryptobeskattning

Authorities in Slovenia have prepared new legislation tailored to determine how crypto holdings and transactions are taxed in the country. Förslaget, aimed at clarifying the matter, has been submitted for public consultations this week, local media reports revealed. Slovenia to