Meme Coin PEPE Surges av 152% Denna vecka, Nu den femte största meme-tokenen efter börsvärde

Pepe (PEPE), the meme coin featuring the popular character Pepe the Frog, has experienced a significant surge in value in the past week, rising by 152.9% mot U.S.A. dollar. Recent statistics indicate that PEPEs market capitalization has surged from $141

Google Trends-data avslöjar sökningar efter "bankkris,’ ‘Bankkörningar,’ Skyrocket

Interest in the U.S. banking crisis has risen greatly over the past two weeks, as shown by Google Trends data. There has been a sharp increase in queries related to search terms such asbanking crisis,” “bank collapse,” och “bank failure.”…

Kedjeanalys: Intäkter från kryptobedrägeri minskade 46% i 2022

Revenue from cryptocurrency scams dropped 46% i 2022, according to blockchain data analytics firm Chainalysis. “We attribute most of this decline to market conditions, as scam performance tends to worsen when cryptocurrency prices are in decline,” the firm explained. ‘Crypto Scam

Bitget utökar innovationszonen med prioriterad tillgång till exceptionella projekt

PRESSMEDDELANDE. Victoria Seychelles, 2023 – Bitget, the leading global crypto derivative exchange, announces to add AI (Artificial Intelligence), Beslut, and NFT zone listings to its Innovation Zone for users who would like to expose their crypto portfolio to related tokens

Eunoia – en Knowledge Community DAO-plattform för proffs

PRESSMEDDELANDE. DemandCircle is delighted to announce the official launch of Eunoia, Web 3.0’s very own decentralized business knowledge platform. With the goal of bringing industry professionals together in expertise-centric communities, Eunoia incentivises meaningful participation with rewards in the platform’s native

Teslas vd Elon Musk säger att inflationen har nått sin topp – men vi kommer att ha en lågkonjunktur för 18 månader

Tesla CEO Elon Musk believes inflation has peaked and the U.S. economy will be in a recession for about 18 månader. “We do get a fair bit of insight into where prices of things are going over time,” the billionaire explained,…

Trendiga sport-NFT: En titt på den legendariska colombianska fotbollsspelaren James Rodríguez 1500 NFTs lanseras på ZKSea

Colombian soccer superstar James David Rodríguez Rubio has announced his partnership with ZKSpace to launch the James Rodríguez Commemorative Edition NFTs, Zurda (left foot in Spanish), with the presale scheduled for June 15th, 2022. De 1,500 unique pieces are currently the

Kinesiska kryptoregler tvingar NFT-spelappen Stepn att blockera användare på fastlandet

Kina’s antikrypteringsregler har enligt uppgift tvingat fram den icke-fungibla token (NFT) spel, Stepn, att utesluta användare från fastlandet från och med juli 15. Strax efter beskedet, Stepn’s kryptovaluta i spelet rapporteras ha fallit förbi en kort stund 38%. Stepn Adheres to Local

Terras grundare Do Kwon "ser fram emot att bygga med Bitcoin" - Projektet ska enligt uppgift förvärva 125 miljoner dollar i BTC

Nyligen, Terra founder Do Kwon hinted at purchasing $3 billion in bitcoin to bolster the protocols reserves and according to a number of reports and blockchain analysis, Terra purchased $125 million worth of bitcoin on March 21. The following day,…