Rysk domstol skickar 3 Kryptorånare till fängelse med strikt regim

Three Russians are going to spend time in high-security prison for stealing over a million U.S. dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency from another man. För övrigt, the court has also ordered them to fully compensate the victim for the damages, prosecutors announced….

Motstridiga rapporter dyker upp om SEC som hjälper konkurserande Crypto Exchange FTX med juridiska kryphål

USA. säkerhet och utbytesprovision (SEC) enligt uppgift träffat kryptobörsen FTX och tidigare vd Sam Bankman-Fried flera gånger innan kryptoföretaget ansökte om konkurs. SEC-ordföranden Gary Gensler ryktades hjälpa FTX med juridiska kryphål. i alla fall,…

Rysk arresterad för att ha lurat köpare av gruvhårdvara värd över $300,000

Police in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan have detained a man accused of defrauding people who wanted to purchase crypto miners. Law enforcement officials say the suspect made millions of rubles through fictitious sales of mining devices to Russian citizens

London College Student rånad vid Knifepoint av 8 Thuggar för $93K i Bitcoin

Recently a student from the University of Kent in London was robbed at knifepoint for his bitcoin. After eight thugs stormed his dorm room and demanded that he reveal his crypto credentials and passwords, the student was forced to leave the