Harvard ekonomiprofessor: USA:s standard kan utlösa en global finanskris

Harvard ekonomiprofessor Kenneth Rogoff, som tidigare varit chefsekonom vid Internationella valutafonden (IMF), har varnat för att U.S. Att inte uppfylla sina skuldförbindelser kan utlösa en global finanskris. "Det är en mycket farlig situation och vi…

En "enorma variation av möjliga transaktionstyper" - en titt på konversationen mellan Nakamoto och Andresen

The Bitcoin mempool, otherwise known as the network’s transaction backlog, is still clogged with over 390,000 transactions waiting to be processed by miners. To clear the mempool, mer än 190 blocks need to be mined. As the scaling issues continue to

Ryssland lanserar betalningssystem med "inga begränsningar" - digitala valutor ska vara helt obegränsade

Russia is launching a new payment system that is “bound by no restrictions” where digital currencies could be used in cross-border payments, said Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “Two parties come to an agreement, make settlement payments, and no other country

Ethers säkerhetsstatus förblir oklart eftersom SEC-ordförande Gensler misslyckas med att svara på lagstiftarens fråga

The chairman of the U.S. säkerhet och utbytesprovision (SEC), Gary Gensler, would not answer a direct question in a congressional hearing about whether ether is a security. While the SEC chair insisted that the law is clear on crypto, Congressman

Indiska regeringen svarar på frågor om legalisering av krypto, Bedrägeri förhindring

The Indian government has responded to parliamentary questions about the legalization of cryptocurrency and the steps it has taken to prevent crypto-related fraud. “Crypto assets are currently unregulated in India. Frauds relating to crypto are dealt with under extant laws against

Binance-konverterar $1 Miljarder BUSD till Bitcoin, BNB, och Ethereum

På måndag, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, also known as CZ, announced that the company had decided to convert $1 billion worth of BUSD from the Industry Recovery Initiative fund into three different cryptocurrencies. Zhao noted that significant onchain movements would be

Fed-ordförande Powell på Crypto: Vi ser kaos, Bedrägeri, Brist på transparens, Risk

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has outlined several risks related to crypto activities during a hearing before the Senate Committee on Banking, Hus, and Urban Affairs. While stating that the Fed sees turmoil, fraud, a lack of transparency, and run risk

Miljardären Tim Draper uppmanar Sri Lanka att adoptera Bitcoin - Centralbanken säger "Vi vill inte göra krisen värre"

Billionaire investor and venture capitalist Tim Draper has reportedly attempted to convince the Sri Lankan government to adopt bitcoin. i alla fall, the governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka rejected his recommendation, betona: “Adoption of 100% bitcoin wont be a Sri

Tidigare Fed-ordförande Alan Greenspan: Krypto är för beroende av "Greater Fool Theory" för att vara en önskvärd investering

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says crypto istoo dependent on the ‘greater fool theoryto be a desirable investment.” i alla fall, he noted that the collapse of crypto exchange FTX waspurely fraud,” rather than the result of a feature

Amerikanska senatorer avslöjar en ny kryptoproposition – experter kallar det den "mest direkta attacken" mot kryptoanvändares personliga frihet och integritet

Two U.S. senators, including Elizabeth Warren, have introduced a bipartisan bill for the regulation of cryptocurrency. Notan, titledDigital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act,” är “the most direct attack on the personal freedom and privacy of cryptocurrency users and developers we’ve