Rapportera: Terraform Labs medgrundare åtalad för bedrägeri i Sydkorea

Recent local reports have brought to light that Shin Hyun-seong, also known as Daniel Shin, co-founder of Terraform Labs, has been indicted by the Seoul Southern District ProsecutorsOffice on charges of fraud. Along with nine others, Shin is suspected of

FTX:s Bankman-Fried påstås använda Alameda-medel för att betala för juridiskt försvar

According to two sources close to FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced co-founder, gave his father, Stanford Law professor Joseph Bankman, millions of dollars. The funds are reportedly being used to pay for legal costs. The sources said that Bankman-Fried allegedly gave

Rapport visar att finansiella problem plågade Bankman-Frieds Alameda-forskning så tidigt som 2018

Innan FTX kollapsade antogs det att Alameda Research var ett av de främsta kvantitativa handelsföretagen och marknadsmakarna inom branschen. i alla fall, mycket av den uppfattningen kan ha varit en fasad som en färsk rapport detaljer som Alameda lidit…

Crypto Community frågar: Var i världen är Ex-Alamedas vd Sam Trabucco?

Efter FTX-medgrundaren Sam Bankman-Frieds arrestering och uttalanden från hans medarbetare Gary Wang och Caroline Ellison, rampljuset har riktats mot de återstående cheferna som ingick i lagets inre krets. Another person people are curious about these days

USA:s lagstiftare föreslår att "kanske" krypto bör förbjudas med hänvisning till större problem än FTX

A U.S. senator has suggested that cryptocurrency shouldmaybebe banned following the collapse of crypto exchange FTX. i alla fall, he acknowledged that banning cryptois very difficult because it will go offshore and who knows how that will work.Senator Sherrod

USA:s senator: Kryptovaluta kan inte stoppas, FTX-kollaps är inte ett åtal mot krypto

U.S. Senator Pat Toomey says illegal actions by crypto exchange FTX must be separatedfrom perfectly lawful and innovative cryptocurrencies.Emphasizing thatThe collapse of FTX is not an indictment of crypto,” he noted thatcryptocurrency cannot be stopped” och “de…

Rapporter tyder på att Caroline Ellison arbetar med Feds och snattar på FTX. Grundare Bankman-Fried

Following the arrest of the former FTX boss Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), spectators continue to wonder where ex-Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison is, and whether or not she turned on SBF. A few reports suggest Ellison is “likely working with feds” and

Bahamiska regeringstjänstemän påstås ha bett SBF att sätta miljontals dollar i nya tokens mitt i FTX-kollapsen

På måndag, court documents from lawyers involved with the FTX Trading LTD Chapter 11 bankruptcy case allege that the government of The Bahamas asked the disgraced FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) to mint new crypto tokens. The lawyers detailed that it

Nordkoreanska Lazarus Group kopplad till ett nytt hackningsschema för kryptovaluta

The Lazarus group, a North Korean hacking organization previously linked to criminal activity, has been connected to a new attack scheme to breach systems and steal cryptocurrency from third parties. The campaign, which uses a modified version of an already existing