FBI säger att kryptoinvesteringsbedrägeri steg 183% till $2.57 Miljarder in 2022

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says cryptocurrency investment fraud rose 183% från $907 million in 2021 till $2.57 miljarder in 2022, based on data from its Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The FBI also warned the public ofa spike

FTX Gäldenärer rapporterar 8,9 miljarder USD underskott i kundmedel och "mycket blandade" tillgångar i den senaste presentationen

På marsch 2, 2023, FTX-gäldenärer släppte sin andra intressentpresentation, som innehåller en preliminär analys av den numera nedlagda kryptovalutabörsen’s brister. Den senaste presentationen avslöjar en betydande brist, som ungefär $2.2 miljarder av företaget’s totala tillgångar hittades i…

Darknet Market Solaris hackad av konkurrent, Elliptisk avslöjar

A leading marketplace on the dark web, Solaris, has been hit by a rival, according to crypto analytics company Elliptic. The Russia-linked platform, which tried to occupy space vacated by the busted Hydra, is believed to have conquered up to a

Hackare skickas till fängelse för att ha rånat vietnamesiskt kryptoutbyte

Authorities in Vietnam have caught and sentenced a hacker who stole money and data from a local cryptocurrency exchange. The man, who was arrested and charged for extorting the trading platforms owner, has been ordered to return the money he misappropriated….

Hackare stjäl $6.9 Miljoner från Arbitrum-baserat Defi-protokoll Lodestar Finance

Arbitrum-based lending platform Lodestar Finance was exploited on Dec. 10, 2022, according to a tweet from the project’s Twitter account on Saturday. Community reports detail that Lodestar lost roughly $6.9 million from the vulnerability. Lodestar Finance Loses $6.9 Million in an

Onchain-data avslöjar att Alameda förvärvade specifika tokens en månad före FTX-listningar

According to a report stemming from the blockchain analytics firm Argus, Sam Bankman-Fried’s trading firm Alameda Research obtained tokens ahead of FTX.com listings. The report claims that Alameda acquired roughly $60 million worth of tokens before the digital assets were scheduled

Bitget förbereder sig 5 Million USD Builders Fund för att hjälpa användare som lider av FTX-kollaps

PRESSMEDDELANDE. Nov 14th, 2022 – Leading global cryptocurrency exchange Bitget announces that it has set aside a 5 Million USD worth of BuildersFund, aiming to help those affiliates, influencers and professional traders who are distressed by the FTX collapse….

Hedge Fund Galois Capital avslöjar "ungefär hälften" av företagets kapital "Stuck on FTX"

According to the co-founder of Galois Capital, the hedge fund manager who warned about the Terra collapse before it happened, half of the hedge fund’s capital is left trapped on FTX. Galois co-founder, Kevin Zhou, wrote a letter to investors explaining

Solanas utredning indikerar att plånboksexploatering är knuten till Slope-mobilappen

Efter Solana plånbokattacken, Solana Status-teamet uppdaterade allmänheten och detaljerade att plånboksadresserna som påverkades av intrånget var knutna till Slopes mobilplånboksapplikationer. Teamet betonade det vidare “there is no evidence the Solana protocol

Brittiska arméns konton för sociala medier hackade för att främja Bitcoin Giveaways, Kryptobedrägerier

The British Armys official Youtube and Twitter accounts were compromised Sunday and hackers used them to promote crypto, including bitcoin and ether giveaway scams featuring Tesla CEO Elon Musk. British Armys Social Media Accounts Used to Promote Bitcoin, Krypto, NFT Scams