USA:s regering är fortfarande en av de främsta Bitcoin-innehavarna med beslagtagen förvaring som värderas till $5.6 Miljard

As of March 25, 2023, USA. government held 205,515 bitcoins worth $5.6 miljard, which is approximately 1.06% of the circulating supply, according to current statistics. The cache of bitcoins is a result of three forfeitures that began in 2020. Glassnode’s…

Storbritannien beskriver planer på att stödja kryptoadoption, Skapa fler befogenheter för att beslagta och återställa digitala tillgångar

Delivering the Queens Speech, Prince Charles outlines the British governments plans to support the safe adoption of cryptocurrencies and createpowers to more quickly and easily seize and recover crypto assets.UK Government Plans to Support Crypto Adoption The U.K. regering…

"Ecstasy Kingpin" från Brockton förlorar 2,3 miljoner dollar i Bitcoin till Massachusetts Law Enforcement

A man from Brockton, Massachusetts was sentenced to eight years in prison and forced to forfeit 59 bitcoin worth $2.3 miljon, after he was caught selling Xanax, ecstasy, and ketamine on the deep web. Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins stressed during