Bitcoin Miner Marathon tar emot andra SEC-stämningen i samband med Montana Mining Facility Investigation

Marathon Digital Holdings, ett börsnoterat bitcoin-gruvbolag, har nyligen avslöjat att det delgavs en stämning av U.S. säkerhet och utbytesprovision (SEC) i samband med en utredning rörande företagets gruvanläggning i Montana. The SEC is reportedly

Crypto Exchange Bittrex går in i kapitel 11 Konkursskydd efter SEC-process

Bittrex Inc., den USA-baserade kryptovalutabörsen, har ansökt om kap 11 konkursskydd i Delaware efter att ha blivit stämd av U.S.A. Securities and Exchange Commission för att inte registrera sig hos tillsynsmyndigheten. Utbytet har enligt uppgift över 100,000 creditors and liabilities

SEC undersöker First Republic Bank-chefer för insiderhandel; Lagstiftare dumpar bankens aktier innan kollapsen

After the second largest bank failure in history, USA. säkerhet och utbytesprovision (SEC) is reportedly investigating First Republic Bank executives for allegedly engaging in insider trading. Two sources have claimed that the securities regulator is scrutinizing the bank’s executives

Tidigare SEC Enforcement Chief: Coinbases argument "en säker förlorare" och möjligen brottslig

According to John Reed Stark, crypto exchange Coinbase’s assertions that its business activities were endorsed by the U.S. säkerhet och utbytesprovision (SEC) when it approved its initial public offering area surefire loser.According to Stark, the SEC’s approval of

FTX-chef Ryan Salames hem i Maryland genomsökt av FBI i oförklarlig raid

According to unnamed sources, the home of Ryan Salame, the former co-chief executive of FTX Digital Markets, was searched by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) på torsdag. The grounds for the raid remain unknown, and neither Salame nor his

FTX:s Bankman-Fried påstås använda Alameda-medel för att betala för juridiskt försvar

According to two sources close to FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced co-founder, gave his father, Stanford Law professor Joseph Bankman, millions of dollars. The funds are reportedly being used to pay for legal costs. The sources said that Bankman-Fried allegedly gave

Noble samarbetar med Circle Financial för att integrera USDC på Cosmos Blockchain

According to the token protocol startup Noble, the second-largest stablecoin, USDC, will be integrated into the Cosmos blockchain, as the company has partnered with Circle Financial for the rollout. Noble details that the integration will give access to Circle’s USDC stablecoin

Ticketmaster lanserar NFT-gated biljettservice för Avenged Sevenfold Shows

Ticketmaster, the global provider of event ticketing services, has launchedtoken-gated sales,” allowing fans access to concert tickets using non-fungible token (NFT) teknologi. The first to use the service is the metal band Avenged Sevenfold (A7X), whoseDeathbats Club” NFT-samling…

Chefen för den venezuelanska kryptovakthunden Sunacrip greps på grund av anklagelser om korruption; Institution för att möta omstrukturering

Joselit Ramirez, head of the Venezuelan cryptocurrency authority Sunacrip, was arrested on March 18, according to reports from local media. Ramirez, who led the institution from its creation in 2018, was arrested for being allegedly involved in corruption schemes, inklusive…

Miljardären "Bond King" Jeffrey Gundlach förväntar sig att Fed höjer räntorna nästa vecka - "Det skulle vara den sista höjningen"

Billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach, aka theBond King,” expects the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at its March meeting next week, som “would be the last increase,” han sa. För övrigt, Gundlach cautioned: “The inflationary policy is back in play with