Terawulf ger energi 50 MW vid kärnkraftsdriven Bitcoin Mining Facility Nautilus

Bitcoin mining company Terawulf has announced the full deployment of its 50-megawatt (MW) stake in the nuclear-powered Nautilus Cryptomine facility. The behind-the-meter bitcoin mining facility is powered by 100% nuclear power and benefits from a fixed power cost of $0.02 per

Saudiarabien stärker bandet med Kina genom att gå med i SCO Bloc som dialogpartner

China’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is growing as the country’s Cabinet has agreed to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The diplomatic move made by the kingdom began with a memorandum of understanding in September, and at the end of March,…

Trezor tar kontroll över chipproduktionen för ökad säkerhet och snabbare produktionstid

Trezor, the manufacturer of crypto hardware wallets, has announced that it will take control of its wallet chip production process by producing its own silicon chips. The company states that the newly designedchip wrapperwill enhance device security and considerably

Crypto Exchange Coinbase lanserar Ethereum L2 Scaling Network Called Base

The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has announced the deployment of Base, an Ethereum layer two (L2) scaling network, after developers launched the Base testnet on Thursday. The company said it is incubating Base within Coinbase and that the L2 chain will progressively

Filöverföringsjätten Wetransfer går med i NFT-industrin, Samarbetar med Blockchain Platform Minima för marslansering av Minting Product

File transfer service giant Wetransfer announced Monday it is collaborating with blockchain platform Minima to offer a non-fungible token (NFT) minting product in March. Wetransfer’s announcement details that users leveraging the Minima cooperative will be able to mint NFTs from a

UNHCR lanserar blockchain-betalningslösning för att stödja ukrainare som fördrivits av krig

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recently said it has launched a blockchain payment solution for digital cash distribution to internally displaced persons (internflyktingar) in Ukraine. According to the agency, the use of the blockchain-based cash distribution system ensures

Amerikanska lagstiftare säger att alla digitala dollar måste vara öppna, Tillståndslös, och Privat

Nine U.S. lawmakers have raised concerns regarding the U.S. central bank digital currency project led by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. The lawmakers stressed: “Any U.S. CBDC must be open, permissionless, and private.Congressmen Say Any US CBDC Must Be

Det är fortfarande förbjudet att visa priser i amerikanska dollar, Ghanas centralbank berättar för skådespelerskan Lydia Forson

The Bank of Ghana recently warned businesses quoting U.S. dollar prices that the practice is still prohibited and that the cedi remains Ghana’s sole legal tender. The bank said it is working with law enforcement toclamp down on illegal foreign

Circle samarbetar med New York Community Bancorp – Bank till depå USDC-reserver

Circle Internet Financial har avslöjat ett samarbete med USD-myntdepå med det amerikanska bankholdingbolaget New York Community Bancorp (NYCB). Enligt avtalet, NYCB’s dotterbolag, New York Community Bank, kommer att bli förvaringsinstitut för bolaget’s stablecoin-reserver. Circle Partners

LABEL Foundation tillkännager det strategiska partnerskapet med Polygon Studios för att lansera sin Dapp på Polygon Mainnet

PRESSMEDDELANDE. In this industry, it is crucial to establish key strategic partnerships in order to ensure both longevity and prosperity. Som sådan, LABEL Foundation has officially announced a partnership with Polygon Studios, with the further intention to chase their multichain