Metaverse, AI, och Liquid Staking Tokens Lead Year-to-Date Kryptotillgångsvinster bland toppen 125

I 2023, the leading crypto assets, such as bitcoin and ethereum, have captured decent gains. Bitcoin has increased 17.2% under den senaste 30 dagar, and ethereum has risen 9.3% in the same timeframe. i alla fall, year-to-date statistics show that bitcoin is down

Största Movers: ETC går bort från flera månaders låga nivåer, som XMR utökar de senaste vinsterna

Ethereum classic rallied for a second straight session on Wednesday, following better-than-expected U.S. consumer confidence data. The figures showed that confidence among American consumers rose to the highest level in eight months, med en läsning av 108.3. Monero was also higher

Amerikanska senatorer avslöjar en ny kryptoproposition – experter kallar det den "mest direkta attacken" mot kryptoanvändares personliga frihet och integritet

Two U.S. senators, including Elizabeth Warren, have introduced a bipartisan bill for the regulation of cryptocurrency. Notan, titledDigital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act,” är “the most direct attack on the personal freedom and privacy of cryptocurrency users and developers we’ve

Tracker visar nära till 3,000 Krypto-uttagsautomater installerades under 2022:s första kvartal

Under den sista 12 månader, där’s been an exponential number of cryptocurrency automated teller machines (ATMs) installed as data shows that 20,000 crypto ATMs were installed last year. This year machines are still being installed in great numbers and since December

Största Movers: Valuta, Cosmos Slip på torsdag, som Crypto Economy's Red Wave Returns

Med kryptovalutamarknaderna fallande på torsdag, XMR och ATOM var två av de största drivkrafterna under dagen. Solana närmade sig också en tvåsiffrig nedgång, som tjurar till synes satt ute idag’s session. Valuta (XMR) Valuta (XMR) was undoubtedly the biggest bear

Ukraina tar nu Polkadot, Säger att det kommer att acceptera andra mynt snart

Har redan samlat in miljontals dollar i stora kryptovalutor som bitcoin, Ukraina tar nu emot donationer i polkadot också. The country intends to expand the list of accepted coins as it increasingly relies on help from the crypto community to

Avblandning av Wasabi Coinjoin-transaktioner: A Deep Dive Into Chainalysis deanonymiserande påståenden

På tisdag, journalist Laura Shin published a story that claims to identify the 2016 Genesis DAO hacker who siphoned 3.6 million ethereum from the decentralized autonomous organization. While the story surprised the crypto community, one of the biggest eye-openers was the

Dessa är kryptoekonomins 10 De dyraste tillgångarna per enhet i 2022

A lot has changed in regard to the prices of various crypto assets throughout 2021, as todays top crypto assets look a lot different than they did 12 months ago. Dessutom, the most valuable cryptocurrencies in terms of U.S. dollars per

FinCEN länkar mer än $5 Miljarder i Bitcoin-transaktioner till Ransomware

FinCEN, USA. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, linked more than $5 billion in bitcoin transactions to the most common ransomware variants out there. The organization stated in a report issued last week that the mean average total monthly suspicious amount of

Den tidigare Monero-utvecklaren Spagni släpptes från USA:s fängelse, Löften att ta itu med bedrägerianklagelser

Former Monero developer Riccardo Spagni has been released from a U.S. prison where he reportedly spentsixty-one days in solitary confinement.The developers release was prompted by the failure of South African authoritiesto make a timely submission in support of