Prva nagradna kartica za svet Web3, ki jo je izdal The Crypto Card Club

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. An emerging NFT company, The Crypto Card Club, has developed an innovative system that aims to recognise and reward investors by merging real-world reward point systems with NFT and Web3 purchases.

The groundbreaking service financially rewards holders for their usual NFT spending, attempting to minimise Web3 financial risks and safely help grow investor portfolios.

The founder, Harrison Bishop, has stated that they are looking to become THE rewards card for Web 3.0 and ‘IRL’.

Members that hold the C3 NFT in their wallet and purchase NFTs from partnered projects will earn $C3 tokens. Poleg tega, $C3 tokens can buy exciting products and services, including VIP passes to Coachella, a holiday to the Bahamas, or even tickets to The Monaco Grand Prix. C3s members will have access to perks and benefits valued at more than $100k. This includes but is not limited to:

Alpha channel access: C3 members will have access to ‘alpha’ (valuable trading information) that has been sourced, aggregated and summarised from the most exclusive and expensive paid alpha channels in the crypto space.

Gas Fee Rebates: C3 will provide gas rebates up to 50% for purchases made with partnered projects.

Masterclass: C3 Members will have access to an exclusive masterclass on ‘how to build a successful NFT project’, with interviews from top collection founders and directors.

All C3 partnerships are fully vetted to ensure maximum benefit is provided to holders.

In addition to the unique utility of Crypto Card Club, the project has recently announced the ability for followers to earn Ethereum by simply sharing the project on Twitter and Discord. Here, participants will earn points depending on how much they have shared the project; the highest earners on the leader board will then receive Ethereum deposited into their chosen crypto wallet.

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Zasluge za slike: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons