Funko Partners With Entertainment Giant Paramount to Drop Avatar Legends NFTs

On July 29, the pop-culture consumer products firm, Funko, announced that the company has partnered with the multinational mass media and entertainment corporation Paramount Global. The two corporations plan to introduce a series of non-fungible tokens (NFT-ji) based on the Avatar

Funko Plans to Launch Jay and Silent Bob NFT Collection via the Digital Collectibles Platform Droppp

Three months ago, Funko Inc., disclosed that it was entering the non-fungible token (NFT) industry when it announced it acquired a majority ownership stake in the NFT startup Tokenwave. Ob uri, Funkos CEO Brian Mariotti explained thatFunko Pop digital

Prodaja NFT je preprečila upad kripto trga ta teden z rahlim povečanjem obsega

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) prodaja je ta teden uspela ostati dosledna, medtem ko je kriptoekonomija v zadnjih sedmih dneh zabeležila več izgub. Teden prej, $152.9 milijonov v prodaji NFT je bilo zabeleženih čez 18 blockchains in v zadnjem tednu,…

Začetki Solana Ventures $100 Milijonski sklad, osredotočen na projekte Web3 v Južni Koreji

Solana Ventures je razkrila lansiranje a $100 milijonski sklad, namenjen zagonskim podjetjem Web3 v Južni Koreji. According to Solana Labsgeneral manager Johnny Lee, kapital bo namenjen nezamenljivim žetonom (NFT-ji), decentralizirane finance (defi), in financiranje iger…

Kanye West prijavi blagovne znamke, ki opisujejo tehnologijo NFT po obsodbi koncepta digitalnega zbirateljstva

Glede na prijave blagovnih znamk pri Uradu Združenih držav za patente in blagovne znamke (USPTO), ameriški reper Ye (splošno znan kot Kanye West) vstopa v svet nezamenljivih žetonov (NFT-ji) in metaverzum. The record producers company Mascotte Holdings Inc….

Kitajski kripto predpisi prisilijo aplikacijo NFT Gaming Stepn, da blokira uporabnike na celini

Kitajska’s anti-crypto regulations have reportedly forced the non-fungible token (NFT) game, Stepn, to exclude users from the mainland starting on July 15. Shortly after the announcement, Stepns in-game cryptocurrency is reported to have briefly dropped by 38%. Stepn Adheres to Local

Bored Ape and Cryptopunk Values Wobble — During the Last Month, Blue-Chip NFT Floor Values Dropped Over 50%

While the crypto economy has dropped considerably in value during the last few weeks, seven-day statistics indicate non-fungible token (NFT) sales are down 17.32% lower than last week. Data also shows NFT floor values have tumbled a great deal during the

Gamestop lansira denarnico Web3 Ethereum, ki izkorišča tehnologijo ZK-Rollup podjetja Loopring

Ta teden, prodajalec zabavne elektronike in programske opreme za igre na drobno, Gamestop, has officially revealed the companys self-custodial, Denarnica Web3 ethereum. The wallet is currently in beta form and now available via the firms web portal, in order to provide users with a

Fundacija Tezos ustanovi sklad za zbiranje kreacij NFT afriških in azijskih umetnikov

Fundacija Tezos je nedavno izjavila, da se je zavezala $1.23 milijonov v sklad, ki bo uporabljen za zbiranje nezamenljivih žetonov (NFT-ji) ustvarili afriški in azijski umetniki. Fotograf Misan Harriman je bil izbran za kuratorja fundacije’je trajno…