International Monetary Fund to Assist El Salvador in Compiling Bitcoin Adoption Statistics

The International Monetary Fund has mentioned it is providing technical assistance to the government of El Salvador in various ways. According to Gerry Rice, a spokesperson for the organization, the group is having talks with people of the Salvadoran government about

Bitcoin Argentina NGO to Take Crypto Education to Schools

Bitcoin Argentina, an NGO dedicated to the promotion and expansion of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in the country, is going to take Bitcoin education to high schools. The project, klical “Schools and Bitcoin,” will help educate high school students about the relevance

Poročilo: IMF pravi, da prevzem bitcoina v Srednjeafriški republiki predstavlja tveganje

Mednarodni denarni sklad (IMF) dodal svoj glas institucijam in strankam, ki kritizirajo Srednjeafriško republiko (AVTOMOBIL)’s decision to adopt bitcoin. The IMF insists the adoption poses legal economic challenges not only to the country but to the region

IMF opozarja, da sankcije Rusiji grozijo, da bodo spodkopale prevlado ameriškega dolarja

Finančne sankcije, uvedene Rusiji zaradi njene invazije na Ukrajino, lahko zmanjšajo prevlado ZDA. valuta, po besedah ​​visokega uradnika Mednarodnega denarnega sklada (IMF). Konfrontacija bi lahko vodila v razdrobljenost sveta’s current monetary

IMF: Potrebujemo veliko več dela na kriptoregulaciji

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says a lot more work needs to be done on crypto regulation. “mi’ve certainly seen an increase in the use of cryptocurrencies before this war, and weve seen it happen more in emerging markets than in

Data Shows Global Financial Conditions Tightest in 2 leta, Shaky Bond Markets Point to Long-Run Inflation

At the end of the trading day on Monday, Wall Street was roiled once again as major stocks plunged during the days trading sessions. Most news outlets indicate the Russia-Ukraine war is causing the bleak outlook and reports show strained financial

IMF Warns Ongoing War in Europe Will Have a ‘Severe Impact on the Global Economy’

In a report published on Saturday, Mednarodni denarni sklad (IMF) has warned that an ongoing war in Europe and associated sanctions will have asevere impact on the global economy.The IMFs report says there isextraordinary uncertaintyin the

Fitch Ratings Downgrades El Salvador Deeper Into Junk Status Citing Bitcoin Risks

One of the largest rating agencies in the U.S., Fitch Ratings, has downgraded El Salvadors long-term default rating deeper into junk status, citing risks from adopting bitcoin as legal tender as a key reason. “The adoption of bitcoin as legal tender

El Salvador Rejects IMF Call to Abandon Bitcoin as Legal Tender

El Salvador has rejected the recommendation by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to drop bitcoin as legal tender. Država’s finance minister reportedlyangrily” rekel, “No international organization is going to make us do anything, anything at all.El Salvador Says

MFI pove Salvadorju: Stroški ustvarjanja zakonitega plačilnega sredstva Bitcoina presegajo morebitne koristi

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has told El Salvador that the costs of implementing the countrys Bitcoin law, which makes the cryptocurrency legal tender, exceed the potential benefits. The IMF has also urged El Salvador to dissolve theFidebitcointrust fund