Poročilo ameriškega ministrstva za finance opozarja na grožnjo Defi nacionalni varnosti, Avtorji sklepajo, da se fiat uporablja v nezakonitih financah bolj kot kripto

ZDA. Treasury has released a 42-page report assessing the risks of decentralized finance (defi). The report states that specific nation-state adversaries, cybercriminals, ransomware attackers, thieves, and scammers are using defi totransfer and launder their illicit proceeds.The Treasury’s report

US Treasury Official: We Don’t See That Crypto Could Be Used in Large-Scale Way to Evade Sanctions

ZDA. Department of the Treasury does not see that cryptocurrency could be used in a large-scale way to evade sanctions. “Its share as a medium for illicit finance is not anywhere as large as just using cash,” a senior Treasury