Model cene zalog proti toku načrta B, ki ga je obsodil Vitalik Buterin, Pravi, da je model lahko "škodljiv"

For a few years now, the pseudonymous creator of the popular stock-to-flow (S2F) bitcoin price model, Plan B, has become a very well known bitcoin influencer gathering 1.8 million Twitter followers. Vendar, after the S2F price model didnt come to fruition

Beacon Network Ethereum se ukvarja z reorganizacijo verige 7 blokov

maja 25, seven blocks were reorganized on Ethereums Beacon chain at 8:55:23 zjutraj. (UTC) v višini bloka 3,887,075 vse do blokade 3,887,081. The reorganization was discovered by Martin Köppelmann who noted thecurrent attestation strategy of nodes should