Strah pred vojno, Opičje koze povzročajo osip na delniških in kripto trgih, medtem ko plemenite kovine naraščajo

Stock and cryptocurrency markets on Thursday saw volatility, after experiencing fluctuations during the tensions between China and Taiwan on Tuesday and Wednesday. Major indexes like the S&p 500, Dow Jones, and NYSE have shed a few percentages today, while the global

BNB Was the Top Ten’s Best Market Performer in Q2, Bitcoin Takes Second Place — Solana Performed the Worst

With the first half of the year gone, statistics from the second quarter of 2022 indicate that the crypto economy has tumbled significantly in value, and crypto tokens in the top ten market positions have lost 30% do 60% in USD

70 do 90% Pad — upad kriptoekonomije pretresa $2 Trilijon v 8 meseci

During the past eight months, crypto assets have shed enormous value against fiat currencies like the U.S. dolar. Bitcoin has shed 69% since the leading crypto assets all-time high on November 10, 2021, when the digital currencys value tapped $69K per

Medtem ko delnice ponovno odskočijo, Analitiki razpravljajo o ločitvi Bitcoina, Trgi zlata ostajajo "pod pritiskom"

ZDA. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on

Erratic Bond Yields, Lockdowns, and War — 3 Reasons Why Economic Recovery Won’t Happen Quickly

The global economy looks bleak as inflation continues to rise, and a wide array of financial investments continue to shudder in value. Since May 2, 2022, the crypto economy has dropped more than 15% od $1.83 bilijonov do danes’s $1.54 bilijon….

Ko BTC drsi proti odporu, pride v poštev možnost redke trojne top formacije

Ekonomija kriptovalut je v zadnjih šestih mesecih izgubila veliko vrednosti 48.70% od $3.08 bilijonov do danes’s $1.58 bilijon. Medtem ko so kripto trgi te dni videti izjemno medvedji, nekaj zagovornikov kriptovalut je teoretiziralo, da bo medvedji trg…

Medtem ko globalne trge prestrašita Covid in jastrebska Fed, Delnice in kriptovalute so ponovno odskočile, potem ko je Musk kupil Twitter

Wall Street je v ponedeljek zjutraj trpel kot glavni ameriški indeks. borzni indeksi so se še znižali, temelji na izgubah, zbranih prejšnji teden. Poročila kažejo, da so vlagatelji zaskrbljeni zaradi prihajajočih dvigov obrestnih mer Federal Reserve in Kitajske’nedavni izbruh Covid-19. As equities floundered on

Data Shows Global Financial Conditions Tightest in 2 leta, Shaky Bond Markets Point to Long-Run Inflation

At the end of the trading day on Monday, Wall Street was roiled once again as major stocks plunged during the days trading sessions. Most news outlets indicate the Russia-Ukraine war is causing the bleak outlook and reports show strained financial

Geopolitična tveganja in skrbi glede Ukrajine pretresajo delnice, Kriptovalute — zlato raste višje

V sredo, global markets have been volatile as Ukraine officials declared a state of emergency amid fears of a Russian invasion. Wall Street’s top indexes shuddered during the days trading sessions, and cryptocurrency markets slipped more than 4% during the 24

Gospodarstvo stabilnih coinov še naprej raste, ko se tržna kapitalizacija USDC preseže $50 milijarde

As the entire lot of 12,333 digital currencies hovers just above $1.8 trillion in value, the stablecoin economy has recently swelled to $178.8 billion or 9.9% celotne kriptoekonomije. Out of the top five stablecoins, usd kovanec (USDC) saw