ZDA z največjim številom zaprtih bankomatov za bitcoin v letu negativne rasti

The number of ATMs supporting digital currencies has fallen around the world over the course of a turbulent year for the whole industry. According to a new report, the United States has lost more machines offering crypto teller services than any

Sledilnik prikazuje blizu 3,000 Kripto bankomati so bili nameščeni v prvem četrtletju leta 2022

Med zadnjim 12 mesecih, tam’bilo je eksponentno število avtomatskih bankomatov za kriptovalute (bankomati) nameščeni kot kažejo podatki, da 20,000 lani so bili nameščeni kripto bankomati. Letos se stroji še vedno vgrajujejo v velikem številu in od decembra…

konec 20,000 Bitcoin bankomati, nameščeni v enem letu

The number of cryptocurrency ATMs around the world has grown exponentially in 2021, with over 20,000 new installations made since last December. to’s more than the total of all crypto teller machines put into operation in the previous seven years. Zapri…

US City Installs Crypto ATM at Airport After Accepting Cryptocurrency for Payments

ZDA. city of Williston in North Dakota is installing a cryptocurrency ATM at its international airport. “This marks the first government-hosted cryptocurrency kiosk,” the city said. Williston also accepts cryptocurrencies for payments of utility bills. ‘The First Government-Hosted Cryptocurrency Kiosk’…