Dollar to Play Lesser Role Due to Its Weaponization, Digital Currencies, Economist Jeffrey Sachs Says

Within the next decade, ZDA. dollar will play a much less dominant role than it is today, according to Jeffrey Sachs. The renowned economist listed a few factors for the diminishing status of the greenback such as its use as

Poročilo: Silicon Valley Bank Under FDIC Auction as Calls for Bailout Grow

ZDA. Zvezna korporacija za zavarovanje depozitov (FDIC) began an auction process for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) late Saturday night, according to reports. Final bids are due by Sunday afternoon. Unnamed sources indicate that the FDIC is seeking to close the deal

Banka Silicon Valley se sooča s finančnimi težavami zaradi ustavitve delnic, Prodaja $21 Portfelj milijard obveznic na a $1.8 Milijardna izguba

marca 10, 2023, tržni opazovalci razpravljajo o težavah banke Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) obrazi, saj je delnica podjetja zdrsnila več kot 60% v zadnjem 24 ure. SVB je bila prisiljena prodati a $21 billion bond portfolio at a $1.8