Solana ustavi blokovsko proizvodnjo, Validatorjem je bilo rečeno, naj se pripravijo na ponovni zagon, Kritizirana decentralizacija omrežja

junija 1, 2022, the Solana network halted block production again as the blockchain network has stopped working a number of times during the network’s lifetime. According to the Solana status update, validator operators are being asked to prepare for a restart.


Solana Continues to Be Plagued by Outages, SOL Downtime Denounced by the Crypto Community

The blockchain network Solana (SOL) is down again as the network has been halted by the development team. The Twitter account Solana Status (@solanastatus) tvitnil about the incident on Wednesday at 12:56 popoldne. (ET) and the Solana status website also pojasnjuje that block production has been halted.

“Block production on Solana Mainnet Beta has halted. Validator operators should prepare for a restart in mb-validators on Discord,” the status details.

The Solana (SOL) network has been plagued by a number of outages and its been estimated that the proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain has been down a total of eight times. News has reported on a number of Solana’s outages and the one that followed Anatoly Yakovenko’s (Solana co-founder) recent commentary.

Yakovenko claimed last month that “If [Bitcoin] eventually doesn’t switch to proof-of-stake nobody is going to use it.” After the statements, Solana’s blockchain lost consensus for over seven hours. Tudi novice poročali on Solana’s mid-September outage and the debate that surfaced after the blockchain’s downtime.

Solana’s development team has formally acknowledged some of the issues it was dealing with and how it “degraded performance.” The team blamed “high compute transactions, which is reducing network capacity to several thousand transactions per second.”

Of course, with Solana going down again, the comments on social media and crypto related forums have not been kind to the crypto project worth $14 milijarde. “Solana has now failed for the 8th time. The network is currently halted,” one individual tvitnil. “Trading of the $14 billion asset is still possible on centralized exchanges, which seems to be the primary use case of a constantly failing network,” the person added.

Bitcoin advocated Dennis Porter napisal: “Solana just stopped. Bitcoin can’t be stopped. Invest accordingly.” According to the Bitcoin Uptime Tracker, the Bitcoin network has been functional for 99.98742319836% of its lifetime.

“The diamond hands of Solana are amazing,” another person kritizirali on Wednesday afternoon. “0 NFTs have been listed in the last hour. You can’t say the same for any other chain except maybe Terra/LUNA,” the individual added.

medtem, ethereum, XRP, in cardano owners opined why they thought their favorite tokens were way better than Solana. Amid the downtime and at the time of writing, solana (SOL) je izgubil 9.9% in value against the U.S. dolar. Coinbase also poročali on Solana’s latest outage and noted that the exchange had to disable send and receives on the network.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
7 hour outage, Anatoly Yakovenko, Bitcoin, Block Issues, Block Production, Block Validators, BTC, Cardano, kriptovalute, Mainnet outage, PoS, Dokaz o deležu, September Outage, SOL, SOL Issues, SOL price, Solana, Solana Apps, Solana blockchain, Solana consensus, Solana Mainnet, Solana Outage, Solana Status, Solana Status Twitter, Solana Uptime, Solana validators, Trades, trgovanje, Transaction Issues, Transaction Spam, uptime

What do you think about Solana halting block production and the number of times the network has gone down? Do you think blockchain uptime is important? Sporočite nam, kaj mislite o tej temi v spodnjem oddelku za komentarje.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 5,000 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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