Robert Kiyosaki kupuje več bitcoinov – opozarja, da bodo predpisi SEC sesuli večino kriptovalut

Slavni avtor knjižne uspešnice Bogati očka, revni očka, Robert Kiyosaki, je razkril, zakaj kupuje več bitcoinov. Je opozoril, da Komisija za vrednostne papirje (SEC) regulations will “crush” most other cryptocurrencies.


Robert Kiyosaki kupuje več bitcoinov, Warns About SEC Regulations Crushing Crypto Tokens

The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has revealed the key reason why he is investing in bitcoin. The famous author warned that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will “crush” most other crypto tokens with its regulations.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a 1997 book co-authored by Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter. It has been on the New York Times Best Seller List for over six years. More than 32 million copies of the book have been sold in over 51 languages across more than 109 države.

Kiyosaki tweeted Friday that he is investing in bitcoin. He explained that he is “very excited” about BTC because the cryptocurrency “is classified as a commodity much like gold, srebro, and oil.” The Rich Dad Poor Dad author added that the U.S. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC) has classified bitcoin as a commodity while most other crypto tokens are securities, cautioning that “SEC regulations will crush most of them.” He ended his tweet by stating that he is buying more bitcoin.

Robert Kiyosaki Buying More Bitcoin — Warns SEC Regulations Will Crush Most Cryptocurrencies

SEC Chairman Gary Gensler has said repeatedly that bitcoin is a commodity while most other crypto tokens are securities. The chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Rostin Behnam, has also confirmed that bitcoin is a commodity.

The securities regulator said in November that its Enforcement Division remains focused on crypto. The SEC has been heavily criticized for taking an pristop, osredotočen na izvrševanje za regulacijo kripto sektorja. Gensler said in May following the terra/luna collapse that a lot of crypto tokens will fail.

The Rich Dad Poor Dad author has been recommending investors buy gold, srebro, and bitcoin kar nekaj časa. Kiyosaki previously said he is a bitcoin investor, not a trader, so he gets excited when BTC hits a new bottom.

Earlier this month, he predicted that bitcoin investors will get richer when the Federal Reserve pivots and prints trillions of “fake” dollars. Following the collapse of crypto exchange FTX, Kiyosaki said he is still bullish on bitcoin, emphasizing that crypto cannot be blamed for the FTX meltdown. V septembru, the renowned author urged investors to get into crypto now, before the biggest market crash strikes.

Kiyosaki also made other dire predictions, including the ZDA. dollar crashing, the Fed destroying the U.S. gospodarstvo with its rate hikes, hyperinflation, a Greater Depression, in World War III.

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What do you think about Robert Kiyosaki buying more bitcoin and his warning that SEC regulations will crush most cryptocurrencies? Sporočite nam v spodnjem oddelku za komentarje.

Kevin Helms

Študent avstrijske ekonomije, Kevin je našel bitcoin 2011 in je od takrat evangelist. Njegovi interesi so varnost Bitcoinov, odprtokodnih sistemov, mrežni učinki in presečišče med ekonomijo in kriptografijo.

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