BIS: 9 izven 10 Centralne banke po vsem svetu raziskujejo digitalne valute – poganja jih kripto trg

Nine out of 10 central banks globally are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDC), according to the latest survey by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). Nadalje, “the emergence of stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies have accelerated the work on CBDCs.” BIS…

Venezuela Bets on De-Dollarization After Foreign Currency and Crypto Tax Is Applied

The government of Venezuela is now focusing its action on trying to establish the bolivar as the go-to currency for purchases in the country. According to several economists, this might be a risky bet in a country that has just exited

Joe Rogan pravi, da Bitcoin 'spravlja' vlado, najnovejše o inflaciji, in več — Pregled tedna novic

Še en burni teden v kriptovalutah se bliža koncu, and of course theres no shortage of spicy stories and new, prepričljive pripovedi v svetu inovativnega digitalnega denarja. Ta teden, Elon Musk daje naložbene nasvete, United States Securities and Exchange

Ruska protimonopolna agencija predlaga višje cene električne energije za domače kripto rudarje

The anti-monopoly service of Russia has suggested that Russians minting digital currencies at their homes should pay more for the spent electrical energy. The proposal comes after the submission of a bill tailored to regulate cryptocurrency mining to the Russian parliament….

Square Enix se zapre $300 Milijonska prodaja Western Studios podjetju Bankroll Blockchain Pivot

Square Enix, vplivno japonsko igralniško in založniško podjetje, je prodal svoje zahodnjaške studie in nekatere svoje zahodnjaške intelektualne lastnine (IP-ji) skupini Embracer. Dogovor, ki vrednoti te lastnosti pri $300 milijonov, will allow the company to focus on

Joe Rogan: Bitcoin je zdaj sposobna valuta in vlada je nora

Joe Rogan, gostitelj oddaje The Joe Rogan Experience, likens bitcoin to the early internet. Noting that now the cryptocurrency isa viable form of currency” to “You can actually buy things with,” rekel je, “the government is freaking out.Joe

Wisdomtree: Crypto Is a New Asset Class That People Can’t Ignore

An executive at Wisdomtree, an asset management firm with $78 billion under management, says thatCryptocurrencies have firmly established themselves as a new asset class and it truly is something that people cant ignore.” Je dodal: “We are past the point

Crypto Industry Lobbies Against Bills Targeting Russian Oligarchs Evading Sanctions Using Cryptocurrency

The crypto industry is lobbying U.S. lawmakers against two bills aimed at preventing Russian oligarchs from using cryptocurrency to avoid sanctions. ZDA. and many other countries placed sanctions on them after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. Bills Preventing Wealthy

Ukrajinski nogometni klub Shakhtar bo zbiral humanitarna sredstva s prodajo NFT

Shakhtar Donetsk, a leading soccer team in Ukraine, will sell a collection of non-fungible tokens (NFT-ji). The club intends to auction several signed jerseys to raise funds for Ukrainian citizens affected by the ongoing war with Russia. FC Shakhtar Donetsk to

Uzbekistanski predsednik je izdal odlok o urejanju kriptovalut, Rudarstvo in trgovanje

Uzbekistanska vlada se je odločila za razširitev svojih kripto predpisov z odlokom, ki ga je podpisal predsednik Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Dokument podaja definicije izrazov, kot so kripto sredstva, izmenjava, in rudarstvo, in določa glavni regulatorni organ za industrijo. Agency