Bank of Russia Wants to Restrict Crypto Investments by Blocking Card Payments, Report Reveals

The Central Bank of Russia is currently reviewing various ways to prevent Russians from investing in cryptocurrency. One the options on the table is to block card payments to certain recipients such as crypto exchanges, a media report has unveiled. A…

Vrednost, zaklenjena v Defi, še naprej drsi, ETH Defi prevladuje z 65%, Solana Transactions Reign

Skupna vrednost je zaklenjena (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah zdrsnila 15.63% saj metrika’je najvišja vrednost vseh časov $275 milijarde pred šestnajstimi dnevi, decembra 1. Od konca prvega tedna decembra, TVL je padel 7.19% nižje z…

Fundstrat’s Chief Strategist Predicts Bitcoin Still Has ‘Exponential Growth Ahead’

Fundstrat Global Advisorshead of research says bitcoin still hasexponential growth aheadof it. While acknowledging recent price swings of the cryptocurrency, the strategist emphasized that bitcoin has so far regained its losses in short periods of time. Bitcoin Still

Bitcoin Hashrate raste kljub padcu cene, Mystery Hashpower se vrača

Bitcoin’s hashrate has increased a great deal, even after the leading crypto assets price slipped below the $50K price zone. Eight days ago the network hashrate was coasting along at 168 exahash na sekundo (EH/s), and this past week it increased

Microstrategy Buys 7,002 Več bitcoinov, Gojenje Crypto Stash na 121,044 BTC

Microstrategy has purchased 7,002 more bitcoins, growing its cryptocurrency stash to 121,044 coins. CEO Michael Saylor says, “Bitcoin is the only property you can truly own, as well as the first technology capable of granting property rights to everyone on earth.”…

Kriptogospodarstvo lebdi pod 3 bilijoni dolarjev: Analitik pravi, da bi bil prvi medvedji marker 'padec kapitalizacije pod 2,38 tisoč dolarjev'

The crypto asset economy has been down in value over the last week as a great number of digital currencies shed significant amounts. The entire crypto-economy is down under the $3 bilijon znamk, hovering around $2.7 trillion across 10,970 kriptovalute. Bitcoin…

Kripto trgi so čez noč izgubili milijarde – analitik pravi, da je "normalen padec" in "struktura bikovskega trga še vedno nedotaknjena"

Cryptocurrency markets have dropped significantly in value during the last 24 hours as the entire market capitalization of all 10,000 crypto assets in existence has dropped below the $3 trillion mark to $2.77 trillion on Tuesday morning (EST). After tapping $66K

Applov izvršni direktor ima v lasti kriptovalute – Tim Cook meni, da je »smiselno imeti v lasti kot del raznolikega portfelja«

The CEO of the tech giant Apple, Tim Cook disclosed that he owns cryptocurrency and said that he thinks its reasonable to own it as part of a diversified portfolio.Cooks statements stemmed from an appearance with the New York Times

Kongresne prepustnice $1.2 Trilijonski zakon o infrastrukturi – zagovorniki kripto kritizirajo spremenjeno definicijo posrednika, Davčna številka 6050I

Congress has passed the Biden administrations bill aimed at improving infrastructure, fighting climate change, and bolstering social services. The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which also expands the definition of a broker, awaits U.S. president Joe Bidens signature after passing with a

Finder’s Experts Expect Solana to Surpass $1,100 avtor 2025, Over $5K by 2030

At the end of October, the product comparison website published new survey data about price predictions concerning the leading crypto asset ethereum. On November 1, Finders researchers published price predictions for the ethereum competitor solana, as Finders panelists predict the