Jack Dorsey Claims if ‘You’re Building on Ethereum You Have at Least One, if Not Many, Single Points of Failure’

The internet entrepreneur and former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, claims if developers are building on Ethereum they haveat least one, if not many, single points of failure.The statement was in response to Vitalik Buterins commentary concerning Elon Musk

FBI izda opozorilo o zlonamernih severnokorejskih hekerjih, ki jih sponzorira država in ciljajo na kripto podjetja

aprila 18, Zvezni preiskovalni urad (FBI), ZDA. Ministrstvo za finance, in Agencija za kibernetsko varnost in varnost infrastrukture (CISA) objavila svetovanje o kibernetski varnosti (CSA) poročilo o zlonamerni dejavnosti kriptovalute, ki jo sponzorira država Severne Koreje. Po podatkih ZDA. vlada, law enforcement

Digitalni rubelj je zelo potreben,« pravi ruska centralna banka, Ne bo odložil testiranja

Centralna banka Rusije je poudarila pomen napredka pri projektu digitalnega rublja. Po izjavi najvišjega predstavnika, the monetary authority has no intention to delay the trials despite not all invited banks being

Borza LBank bo uvrstila CTOMORROW PLATFORMO (CTP) aprila 20, 2022

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. INTERNETNO MESTO, DUBAJ, apr. 18, 2022 – Menjalnica LBank, globalna platforma za trgovanje z digitalnimi sredstvi, bo navedel CTOMORROW PLATFORMO (CTP) aprila 20, 2022. Za vse uporabnike LBank Exchange, the CTP/USDT trading pair will be officially available for

Največji premiki: LINK Hovers Near Long-Term Support as ZIL Loses 10% of Its Value

ZIL was down by as much as 10% za začetek tedna, as prices continued to fall following recent highs. LINK was also predominantly red on Monday, as it marginally fell below the long-term support level, hitting a one-month low in

Argentinski regulator vrednostnih papirjev zažene središče za inovacije za razpravo o reguliranih kripto naložbah

The National Securities Commission (CNV), which is the Argentinian securities watchdog, recently launched an innovation hub with the goal of advancing conversations about cryptocurrency and fintech investments. This organization will serve as a link between private entities and the institution, do…

Fidelity Investments lansira kripto, Metaverse ETF – pravi, da še naprej opažamo povpraševanje

Fidelity Investments, eno največjih podjetij za finančne storitve z več kot $11 bilijonov pod upravo, uvaja sklade, s katerimi se trguje na borzi (ETF-ji) s poudarkom na kripto ekosistemu in metaverzumu. “Še naprej opažamo povpraševanje, predvsem od mladih vlagateljev, for access to

Draft Law Regulating Aspects of Crypto Taxation Submitted to Russian Parliament

A bill updating Russias tax law to incorporate provisions pertaining to cryptocurrencies has been filed with the State Duma, the lower house of parliament. The legislation is tailored to regulate the taxation of sales and profits in the countrys market for

Oman bo vključil tokenizacijo nepremičnin v regulativni okvir za virtualna sredstva

Real estate tokenization is set to be incorporated into Oman Capital Markets Authority (OCMA)’s virtual asset regulatory framework. According to an advisor with the authority, the tokenizing of real estate will open investment opportunities for local and foreign investors. Real Estate

Robert Kiyosaki bogatega očeta, revnega očeta svari pred hiperinflacijo, Depresija je tukaj

Slavni avtor knjižne uspešnice Bogati očka, revni očka, Robert Kiyosaki, says that hyperinflation and depression are here. He also warned that the biggest bubble burst is coming, advising investors to buy gold, srebro, and bitcoin. Robert Kiyosaki’s Latest