LBank Exchange Will List LMCSWAP on November 15, 2021

LBank Exchange Will List LMCSWAP on November 15, 2021

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. INTERNETNO MESTO, DUBAJ, Nov. 15, 2021 – Menjalnica LBank, globalna platforma za trgovanje z digitalnimi sredstvi, will list LMCSWAP (Limocoin Swap) novembra 15, 2021. Za vse uporabnike LBank Exchange, the LMCSWAP/USDT trgovalni par bo uradno na voljo za trgovanje na 21:00 (UTC+8) novembra 15, 2021.

In the ever-evolving African continent, blockchain technology and crypto are changing its economic landscape dramatically. Limocoin Swap (LMCSWAP) is a token created to allow, by the principle of crypto assets, the evolution of market solutions. The LMCSWAP token will be listed on LBank Exchange at 21:00 (UTC+8) novembra 15, 2021, za nadaljnjo širitev globalnega dosega in pomoč pri doseganju vizije.

Introducing Limocoin Swap

Limocoin Swap is based on a strong community built in four years by one of the subsidiaries of the parent company SIMTREX COMMERCIAL BROKERS LLC, GIT S.A. The premium product Liyeplimal is a private investment tool in the cryptocurrency industry, through its portfolio managers, who stabilize on an annual profitability of 2 do 37% obresti. With a crypto currency operating license in Dubai, the company intends to offer one of the most promising financial solutions on the African continent.

Based on a community of over 200,000 people around the world, it was high time to take it to the next level and switch the private token into a public cryptocurrency. With members on average packs of L $1,800 per client, the company shows over L $3,650,000,000 gross investment in funds. According to the principle of the minimum market capitalization of scalable companies X10, the token has its migration between strong stock market with a minimum capitalization of USD 3,650,000,000.00. torej, in order to make it accessible to all who want to try the concept of Liyeplimal, the token goes on public sales with an initial value of USD 1 for 3.65 billion LMCSWAP to date created on two blockchains, vključno z 2 billion on Erc20 and 1.650 billion on Bep20.

The profitability of Liyeplimal packs does not change, still 2% do 37% of staking reward depending on the chosen pack, as well as its business model. Vendar, in order to guarantee stakers investments against fluctuations in varying market rates, profitability will now be evaluated in production of Limocoin Swap. These packages are strategically designed to create long term asset scarcity over time with a net rate of return of 2 do 37% per year; with the possibility of interrupting the package at any time and being returned in Limocoin of capital and interest generated pro rata.

Tokenomics of LMCSWAP

The total supply of LMCSWAP is 3.65 milijarde (tj. 3,650,000,000), 65% of it is for development, 15% of it was for the team, 10% is for marketing, 5% is provided for charity, in ostalo 5% is provided for partnership. With its community of more than 200,000 holders, the token already allows more than 1,500 merchants and institutions that accept it as a preferred means of payment across the whole of Africa.

The LMCSWAP token will be listed on LBank Exchange at 21:00 (UTC+8) novembra 15, 2021, investors who are interested in Limocoin Swap investment can easily buy and sell LMCSWAP token on LBank Exchange by then. The listing of LMCSWAP on LBank Exchange will undoubtedly help it further expand its business and draw more attention in the market.

Learn More about LMCSWAP Token:

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Menjalnica LBank, ustanovljeno v 2015, je inovativna globalna trgovalna platforma za različna kripto sredstva. LBank Exchange svojim uporabnikom zagotavlja varno kripto trgovanje, specializirani izvedeni finančni instrumenti, in storitve profesionalnega upravljanja premoženja. Postala je ena najbolj priljubljenih in zaupanja vrednih platform za kripto trgovanje z več kot 6.4 million users in more than 210 countries around the world.

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