Borza LBank bo uvrstila Drive Crypto (DRIVECRYPTO) avgusta 9, 2022

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. INTERNETNO MESTO, DUBAJ, Aug. 8, 2022 – LBank Exchange, globalna platforma za trgovanje z digitalnimi sredstvi, will list Drive Crypto (DRIVECRYPTO) avgusta 9, 2022. Za vse uporabnike LBank Exchange, the DRIVECRYPTO/USDT trgovalni par bo uradno na voljo za trgovanje na 23:00 (UTC+8) avgusta 9, 2022.

As the first web3 mobility App developed using the Drive-to-Earn concept with GameFi/SocialFi elements, Drive Crypto (DRIVECRYPTO) enables users to earn cryptocurrencies while driving with unique and rare NFT cars. Its native token DRIVECRYPTO will be listed on LBank Exchange at 23:00 (UTC+8) avgusta 9, 2022, za nadaljnjo širitev globalnega dosega in pomoč pri doseganju vizije.

Introducing Drive Crypto

Drive Crypto is the first web3 mobility App developed based on Drive-to-Earn concept gathering GameFi/SocialFi. It has been built around an essential daily task for most of the people: using a vehicle to move from one place to another. It’s the first crypto space project which effectively bring to life a concept of mobility and functional gain.

Users equip themselves with NFTs in the form of electric vehicles and electric power that calculate each KM traveled while driving their vehicles. Through this activity, users will earn in-game currency which can be used in game or transferred to their wallets. Each NTF car is unique and rare as they are one edition only and there won’t be two of a kind, so they can be greatly appreciated.

In addition to winnings through the Drive-to-Earn mode, NFT cars can also be used in the racing game mode to compete with other users in a Fast & Furious style race, and upon winning the race, the top three will be able to earn DRIVECRYPTO rewards. All the NFT car owners will be able to sell those NFTs on the first exclusive and car’s only marketplace – NFT-DriveStore. Its global ambassador — Alex Sperafico, ex-indy formula driver released his NFTs in DriveStore and they sold out in minutes.

Drive Crypto also aims to contribute to the construction of the necessary infrastructure to meet the demand for charging electric vehicles, as part of the profit from Drive Crypto will be used to install physical charging stations for electric vehicles and thus contribute in combating climate change by generating carbon credits. It goes beyond and above a GameFi/SocialFi project to change environmental mindset through a long term web3 ecosystem. Public test download of the App drive to earn is already happening right now, users can easily find its information in DRIVECRYPTO website.


DRIVECRYPTO is the native token of the Drive Crypto ecosystem. Based on BEP-20, it has a total supply of 1 milijarde (tj. 1,000,000,000) žetoni, od katerega 7% is provided for private sale, 10% is provided for public sale, 30% is allocated for Drive-to-Earn rewards, 12% is provided for recharge stations, 2% is provided for advantages club, drugo 2% is provided for special prizes, 12% je dodeljen ekipi, 0.5% is provided for liquidity pool, 15% bodo uporabljeni za trženje, 0.5% is provided for airdrop, 5% goes into the LP reserve fund, in ostalo 4% is provided for staking.

It taxes a total of 10% on each transaction, od katerega 2.5% is provided for extra liquidity, , 2.5% is provided for development, 2% will be used for marketing on each buying and 4% will be used on each selling, 2% is for reflection on each buying only and the rest 1% will be burned, decreasing the amount of tokens available. Token burning will take place until 50% of the offering is burned (500 million tokens). Once this burn is achieved, further burns will not occur.

The DRIVECRYPTO token will be listed on LBank Exchange at 23:00 (UTC+8) avgusta 9, 2022, investors who are interested in Drive Crypto investment can easily buy and sell DRIVECRYPTO token on LBank Exchange by then. The listing of DRIVECRYPTO token on LBank Exchange will undoubtedly help it further expand its business and draw more attention in the market.

Learn More about DRIVECRYPTO Token:

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Menjalnica LBank, ustanovljeno v 2015, je inovativna globalna trgovalna platforma za različna kripto sredstva. LBank Exchange svojim uporabnikom zagotavlja varno kripto trgovanje, specializirani izvedeni finančni instrumenti, in storitve profesionalnega upravljanja premoženja. Postala je ena najbolj priljubljenih in zaupanja vrednih platform za kripto trgovanje z več kot 7 milijonov uporabnikov od zdaj že več kot 210 regije po vsem svetu.

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