Huobi Korea Plans to Cut Ties With Parent Company, Strengthen Domestic Presence

According to a report from South Korea, the Korean subsidiary of Huobi Global is planning to cut ties with the parent company. The management of the trading platform stated that they plan to “strengthen its position” as a domestic cryptocurrency exchange and change its name.


Huobi Experiences Significant Withdrawals as Subsidiary Huobi Korea Looks to Go Independent

There has been much speculation and many rumors surrounding the cryptocurrency exchange Huobi Global, which rebranded to simply “Huobi” at the end of November 2022. Reports indicated that Huobi laid off 20% of its staff and plans to maintain “a very lean team” going forward.

Dodatno, Huobi has experienced a significant amount of withdrawals recently. Cryptoquant statistics show that on November 2, 2022, Huobi held more than 20,000 BTC. As of today, the cryptocurrency exchange’s BTC reserves are approximately 16,709 BTC. Similarly, Huobi had 22 milijonov ETH in reserves on November 2, 2022, but according to statistics, the current stash is down to 18.19 milijonov.

Amid the speculation, South Korean news outlet News1 has poročali that Huobi Korea wants to break away from the parent company Huobi. News1 reports that Huobi Korea plans to purchase shares from the parent company and change its name. The “equity relationship with Huobi Global will also be sorted out,” according to the report, and the teams plan to hold a meeting between employees and top executives.

News1 reported that the name change and stake purchase will sever the ties between the two firms, allowing the Korean exchange to operate independently. One source told News1 that the name change was a significant event. “Huobi Korea has suffered from being perceived as a foreign exchange, particularly with the image of a ‘Chinese exchange,’” the source said. “It can be interpreted as an effort to demonstrate that it is a ‘domestic exchange’ that is as safe as it is.”

Oznake v tej zgodbi
BTC, Menjalnica kriptovalut, Cryptoquant, domestic exchange, equity relationship, ETH, Foreign exchange, Huobi, Huobi Global, huobi korea, Huobi parent company, independent path, korean exchange, odpuščanja, local subsidiary, News1, parent company, rebranding, govorice, Južna Koreja, Špekulacije, staff, trading platform, Dvigi

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Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 6,000 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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