HUMAN Protocol Foundation Announce HMT Now Listed on Probit

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. The HUMAN Protocol Foundation is delighted to announce that HMT is now listed on Probit. Probit joins other exchanges, Bitfinex, FTX and in offering our community the opportunity to buy, prodati, and trade HMT.

About HMT

HMT is the native cryptocurrency of HUMAN Protocol. In practice, Requesters – who want to launch a job – must first purchase HMT, with which they pre-fund a smart bounty. On the other end of the system, Workers who complete the work are rewarded in HMT.

HMT’s utility extends to other entities – such that agents looking to operate in the Protocol must either stake or pay in HMT. Na primer, the operator of an ML software responsible for data sanitation must stake HMT, and will earn HMT if their sanitation – and corresponding vote – is correct.

For the latest updates on HUMAN Protocol, follow us on Twitter or join our Discord. Alternatively, to enquire about integrations, usage, or to learn more about HUMAN Protocol, get in contact with the HUMAN team.

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The HUMAN Protocol Foundation makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information contained here. Any assumptions, opinions, and estimations expressed constitute the HUMAN Protocol Foundation’s judgment as of the time of publishing and are subject to change without notice. Any projection contained within the information presented here is based on a number of assumptions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.


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