Podjetje Crusoe Energy za pretvorbo plina v bitcoin toži rivalsko družbo Alkane Midstream zaradi kršitve patenta

The Denver-based gas-to-bitcoin infrastructure company Crusoe Energy is suing the rival firm Alkane Midstream LLC over alleged patent infringement and poaching customers in Colorado. Crusoe’s lawsuit claims since November 2019, “Alkane was actively monitoring Crusoe and its business.”


Crypto Flare Mitigation Company Crusoe Files a Lawsuit Against the Texas-Based Alkane Midstream

Gas-to-bitcoin flare mitigation company Crusoe Energy filed a lawsuit against the company Alkane Midstream avgusta 22, 2022. The gas-to-bitcoin infrastructure firm is asking the Denver division of Colorado’s federal court to order Alkane to stop infringing on two patents.

The lawsuit obtained by Bitcoin-Tidings.com News also claims Alkane caused Crusoe to lose work after two gas and oil refiners backed away from agreements made with the company in November 2021. The two gas and oil producers are called the “Colorado Producers,” and are not officially named in the lawsuit filed against Alkane.

“Alkane has infringed Crusoe’s patents in Colorado and has interfered with Crusoe’s current and prospective business relations in Colorado,” the company’s lawsuit details. Cruso’s legal complaint further insists Alkane “committed, aided, abetted, or participated in the tortious act of patent infringement.”

A poročilo published on August 26, quoting businessden.com, noted that Alkane CEO Ryan Blazee called the trial “disappointing” and there was “little surprise.” Blazzi said that some of the things claimed in the complaint will be regretted. The CEO further said that Alkane had worked with Crusoe Energy prior to the filing, and there were no grievances. The two patents mentioned in the lawsuit are U.S. Patent No. 10,862,307 (the 307 patent) in ZDA. Patent No. 10,862,309 (the 309 patent).

Crusoe Energy previously dvignjen $505 milijonov in April 2022, and the company has been working with a number of gas and oil producers in North America. Alkane Midstream and Crusoe Energy are not the only companies working with gas-to-bitcoin solutions, as firms like Validus Power, Generacija Greenidge, Podatki navzgor, Vespene Energy, and EZ Blockchain leverage similar flare mitigation technologies.

In addition to the alleged patent infringement, after the deals in November 2021 were canceled, Crusoe claims the president of the “Colorado Producers” said the firm’s services were no longer needed because “the ‘Colorado Producers’ had contracted with Alkane.” Crusoe is not only asking for the court to order Alkane to stop infringing the two patents but it is also seeking monetary damages and a “trial by jury on all issues.”

Oznake v tej zgodbi
2 patents, Alkane Midstream, Bitcoin, Bitcoin rudarjenje, Colorado federal court, Colorado Producers, sodišče, Crusoe Energy, Crusoe Energy Solutions, Denver, Denver Colorado, NE Blockchain, Sežgani plin, flare mitigation, gas producers, gas-to-bitcoin, Generacija Greenidge, Lawsuit, legal matters, Litigation, oil and gas producers, oil producers, patent infringement, Patents, Teksas, Podatki navzgor, Validus Power, Vespene Energy

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Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri Bitcoin-Tidings.com News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 5,700 članki za Bitcoin-Tidings.com Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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