Newyorški sodnik naloži podjetju Terraform Labs, da upošteva preiskovalne sodne pozive SEC

A recent court filing stemming from the Southern District of New York shows that a U.S. district judge has ordered the crypto startup Terraform Labs to comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) subpoenas. During the second week of November

Tehnična analiza: Meme kovanci, V torek se plaz premakne višje

Meme coins were higher on Tuesday, as the global cryptocurrency marketplace rebounded from recent declines in price. Both DOGE and SHIB were trading close to 7% higher during the session. In addition to the meme coins, there were several other gainers

Dol z vrhov: Pogled na to, kako daleč so kripto sredstva zdrsnila s svojih najvišjih vrednosti vseh časov

Digitalne valute so imele fenomenalno leto, in veliko obstoječih kripto sredstev je doseglo najvišjo vrednost vseh časov (ATH) cene glede na svet’fiat valute. Vendar, the same digital currencies that tapped ATHs last year are currently down a great

Predlog Terra si prizadeva razširiti UST Stablecoin na 5 Različni protokoli Defi

januarja 6, Terra Research announced a proposal to expand the networks stablecoin asset terrausd (UST) across a number of different protocols on Polygon, Ethereum, and Solana. Terra’s governance blog post discusses how the proposal to leverage $139 million of UST

Vrednost, zaklenjena v Defi, še naprej drsi, ETH Defi prevladuje z 65%, Solana Transactions Reign

Skupna vrednost je zaklenjena (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah zdrsnila 15.63% saj metrika’je najvišja vrednost vseh časov $275 milijarde pred šestnajstimi dnevi, decembra 1. Od konca prvega tedna decembra, TVL je padel 7.19% nižje z…