Guverner Floride Ron DeSantis pravi, da država 'išče načine', kako bi podjetjem omogočila plačevanje davkov v bitcoinih

Florida governor, Ron DeSantis explained at a press conference on Tuesday that hes spoken with state agencies and told them to figure out ways for businesses to pay tax with cryptocurrencies. During the signing ceremony for a bill focused on financial

Rio De Janeiro za naložbo 1% svoje zakladnice v kriptovaluti

Rio de Janeiro, eno največjih mest v Braziliji, bo del svoje zakladnice vložil v kriptovalute. Napoved je objavil župan Ria, Eduardo Paes, med tednom inovacij v Riu. The plan is to turn the city into

NYC Mayor Undeterred by Falling Bitcoin Price, Says Buying the Dip Could Yield ‘Good Profit’

The mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, is not deterred by bitcoins volatility, noting that buying the dip could yielda good profit.He reiterated that he will receive his first three paychecks in bitcoin and will make New York

Župan Miamija Francis Suarez namerava vzeti del svojih 401k v bitcoinih

During the first week of November, the reelected Miami mayor Francis Suarez explained that he would receive part of his salary in bitcoin via the payment processor Strike. A month later, speaking at Real Visions Takeover event in Las Vegas, Suarez

US Lawmakers See China’s Authoritarian Crackdown on Crypto as Big Opportunity

Več ameriških. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, including bitcoin, kot “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency