Rudarji bitcoinov se soočajo s stisko, saj proizvodni stroški BTC ostajajo precej nad promptno tržno vrednostjo

Rudarji bitcoinov se po nedavnem povečanju prilagoditve težavnosti novembra spopadajo z velikim pritiskom. 20, 2022, vrednost vodilnega kriptosredstva pa še naprej pada v primerjavi z ZDA. dollar following FTX’s collapse. Statistics recorded this past weekend show that bitcoin’s average cost of production has been a lot higher than bitcoin’s USD value recorded on spot market exchanges.


Statistics Show Bitcoin’s Cost of Production Is a Lot Higher Than the Leading Crypto Asset’s USD Value

V nedeljo, poročali on Bitcoin’s difficulty rising by 0.51% v višini bloka 764,064, and the increase pushed the difficulty to an all-time high at 36.95 bilijon. After that difficulty transition, data shows the overall global hashrate dropped from 317 exahash na sekundo (EH/s) do 233 EH/s.

The hashrate is currently coasting along at 250.59 EH/s, po navedbah records from Ob istem času, BTC’s fiat value dropped a great deal after FTX collapsed and filed for bankruptcy protection.

Statistika on Nov. 21, 2022, show that the cost of bitcoin production is much higher than BTC’s current USD spot market value. The metrics recorded by indicate that the average mining cost is $19,662 danes, while the USD value of BTC is recorded at 16,120 nominal U.S. dollars per unit.

Bitcoin Miners Face a Squeeze as BTC Production Cost Remains Well Above Spot Market Value statistics on Nov. 21, 2022.

The statistics indicate that bitcoin’s price in comparison to the cost of BTC production has been lower since Oct. 6, 2022. says that the web portal uses data collected from Cambridge University in order to “find out the average mining costs of bitcoin.”

“When mining costs are lower than bitcoin’s market value, more miners will join,” the website details. “When mining costs are higher than miner’s revenue, [the] number of miners will decrease.”

Bitcoin Miners Face a Squeeze as BTC Production Cost Remains Well Above Spot Market Value statistics on Nov. 21, 2022.

In addition to the metrics showcased on, Glassnode’s hash price chart indicates that the hash price is at an all-time low. The chart highlights a “metric for estimating daily miner incomes, relative to their estimated contribution to network hash-power,” Glassnode’s description notes.

analitika from also indicate that the current hash value is lower than the current hash price. Similar to’s stats, metrics show the change occurred around Oct. 6, 2022. If bitcoin prices don’t increase or if they drop lower, a number of BTC Mining operations will face a squeeze out of the industry if they are not facing this situation already.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
Bitcoin, Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin rudarjenje,, BTC, Rudarjenje BTC, Stroški proizvodnje BTC, podatke, stekleno vozlišče, Hash Price, Zgoščena vrednost,, meritve, rudarjenje bitcoinov, Rudarjenje BTC, podatki rudarjenja, rudarske metrike, Proizvodni stroški, Statistika, Statistika

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Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 6,000 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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