Stanford Alumni Revealed as Co-Signers of FTX Co-Founder’s $250M Bond

According to the latest court documents in the fraud case involving former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried in Manhattan, the New York judge presiding over the case unsealed the co-signers of Bankman-Fried’s bond on Wednesday. The names of the two bail bond

FTX Co-Founder Faces ‘No-Nonsense’ Judge Next Week, Report Says SBF ‘Expected to Enter a Plea’ in Fraud Case

According to court documents, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) is set to be arraigned by the federal court in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) on Jan. 3, 2023. The disgraced FTX co-founder plans to enter a plea in his fraud case

Bahamski vladni uradniki so domnevno prosili SBF, naj kuje milijone dolarjev v novih žetonih sredi zloma FTX

V ponedeljek, sodni dokumenti odvetnikov, ki sodelujejo pri poglavju FTX Trading LTD 11 primeru stečaja trdijo, da je vlada Bahamov pozvala osramočenega soustanovitelja FTX Sama Bankman-Frieda (SBF) kovati nove kriptožetone. Odvetniki so pojasnili, da je…

New York Times, FT, Bloomberg obsojen zaradi poskusa razkritja imen upnikov FTX

Sredi tekočega stečajnega postopka FTX, sodni dokumenti kažejo, da medijska podjetja, kot je Bloomberg, New York Times (ZDAJ), Dow Jones & Podjetje, in Financial Times (FT) želijo redigirane informacije, povezane z upniki FTX, odpečatene. Medijska podjetja…

Cryptsy CEO Indicted for Defrauding Crypto Investors, Destroying Evidence

The CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Cryptsy has been indicted in the U.S. The 17-count indictment charges the crypto exchange executive withtax evasion, wire fraud, pranje denarja, computer fraud, tampering with records, documents, and other objects, and destruction of records in