Bitcoin napreduje pri odpravljanju zaostankov, toda zmogljivost omrežja Lightning in kanali so padli zaradi prezasedenosti

V preteklem tednu, omrežje Bitcoin je napredovalo pri reševanju težav z zastoji. maja 7, 2023, število nepotrjenih transakcij je doseglo najvišjo vrednost v zgodovini nad 500,000 prenosi, povzroča velike zaostanke. Vendar, od danes, to…

Bitcoin Network Overwhelmed by 390,000 Unconfirmed Transactions and Surging Fees

In just under two weeks, the number of unconfirmed transactions on the Bitcoin network has skyrocketed from 134,000 to over 390,000, causing a bottleneck in the mempool. This surge in unconfirmed transactions has resulted in a staggering 343% increase in transaction

Ethereum Network Fees Surge 153% v 30 Dnevi, While Arbitrum Daily Transactions Outpace ETH Following Shapella Upgrade

Ethereum network fees have experienced a significant upswing following the implementation of the Shapella upgrade on April 12th. In the last 30 dnevi, onchain fees have soared by over 153%, from a prior rate of $4.65 per transfer to a current

Crypto Exchange Bitrue trpi $23 Million Hack

Kripto borza Bitrue s sedežem v Singapurju je izgubila milijone ameriških dolarjev. dolarjev’ vrednost etra in drugih kovancev pri vdoru. Trgovalna platforma je ustavila dvige do začetka naslednjega tedna, da bi izvedla dodatne varnostne preglede, in obljubila, da bo prizadetim uporabnikom povrnila škodo.. Bitrue

P2P Bitcoin izmenjava Paxful začasno ustavi trg z negotovostjo donosa

According to a message from Paxful Founder and CEO, Ray Youssef, the peer-to-peer bitcoin trading platform is suspending its marketplace, and the company is uncertain if it will return. Youssef cited challenges such as regulations and some key staff departures, ampak…

Vlada ZDA ostaja največji imetnik bitcoinov z zaseženimi zalogami, ocenjenimi na $5.6 milijarde

Od marca 25, 2023, ZDA. vlada držala 205,515 bitcoinov v vrednosti $5.6 milijarde, kar je približno 1.06% krožne oskrbe, glede na trenutno statistiko. Predpomnilnik bitcoinov je rezultat treh zaplemb, ki so se začele leta 2020. Glassnode’s…

Tether prenosi v klepetu so predstavljeni v Telegramu

Uporabniki sporočila Telegram si bodo zdaj lahko pošiljali vodilni stablecoin, privez (dolar), neposredno v klepetih. Nova možnost razširi seznam kriptovalut, ki so na voljo za nakup, prodaja, in trgovajte z aplikacijo za sporočanje. Tether…

Binance Rusom prepoveduje P2P transakcije z dolarji in evri

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has introduced new restrictions for Russian users, in accordance with the latest European sanctions. The platform is restricting access to peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions in U.S. dollars and euros for traders based in the Russian Federation. Binance Prohibits US

Central Bank of Argentina to Issue New 2,000 Peso Bill as Inflation Keeps Rising

The Central Bank of Argentina has announced the issuance of a new 2,000 peso bill, aimed at easing the burden of using cash for payments in the country. The bill, which will have a value of a little more than $5