Po nadgradnji Bitcoin Cash so v središču pozornosti denarni žetoni: konec 26,000 Žetoni ustvarjeni

Po nedavni nadgradnji Bitcoin Cash v ponedeljek, podatki razkrivajo, da približno 1,308 zamenljivi žetoni in 25,336 nezamenljivi žetoni (NFT-ji) so se pojavile na blockchainu. Poleg tega, ekosistem žetonov Cashtokens je zdaj dostopen prek raziskovalcev blockchain 3xpl.com in salemkode.com, dopuščanje…

Iran se zapre 8,000 Nezakonite farme za rudarjenje kripto v 3 leta

Oblasti v Iranu zaprle več kot 8,000 podzemnih objektov za rudarjenje kriptovalut v zadnjih treh letih, poročajo lokalni mediji. Kljub zatiranju vlade, nezakonito kripto rudarjenje še naprej predstavlja resno količino porabe energije, official figures

Bitcoin Community Divided: Scaling Challenges Trigger Intense Debate as Mempool Overflows

Ta teden, the Bitcoin community has been abuzz with discussions about the network’s scaling challenges. As the blockchain’s transfer fees continue to surge, the backlog of transactions stuck in the mempool has hit an unprecedented high. Crypto enthusiasts have been sharing

Bitcoin Network Overwhelmed by 390,000 Unconfirmed Transactions and Surging Fees

In just under two weeks, the number of unconfirmed transactions on the Bitcoin network has skyrocketed from 134,000 to over 390,000, causing a bottleneck in the mempool. This surge in unconfirmed transactions has resulted in a staggering 343% increase in transaction

USDC Stablecoin Nears Parity With USD After Fed’s Bailout Announcement

The stablecoin USDC has nearly regained parity with the U.S. dollar after rising just above $0.99 marca 12, 2023, pri 7:20 popoldne. vzhodni čas. The stablecoin jumped back to the $0.99 range after the U.S. Federal Reserve revealed it would

V Rusiji bo ustanovljen investicijski sklad, osredotočen na kripto rudarjenje

The establishment of Russia’s first mutual investment fund dedicated to financing cryptocurrency mining operations is underway. According to a report by the Russian press, it will be available to qualified investors and will finance the acquisition of coin minting equipment. Russian

Skoraj 3 Billion BUSD Stablecoins Have Been Removed From the Market in 6 Dnevi

Six days ago, a few hours before the blockchain infrastructure platform Paxos announced it would no longer mint BUSD stablecoins, $2.86 billion worth of BUSD were redeemed. Trenutno, Binance is the most active exchange trading BUSD tokens, and the stablecoin still

Velikan prenosa datotek Wetransfer se pridružuje industriji NFT, Partnerji s platformo Blockchain Minima za marčevsko lansiranje izdelka za kovanje

Velikan storitev prenosa datotek Wetransfer je v ponedeljek objavil, da sodeluje s platformo blockchain Minima, da bi ponudil nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) izdelek kovanja marca. Wetransferjeva objava podrobno opisuje, da bodo uporabniki, ki bodo izkoristili sodelovanje Minima, lahko kovali NFT-je iz…

Ethereum Liquid Staking Trend Continues to Swell; 5 Platforms Control 97% of Market

As of Feb. 7, 2023, the value locked in 11 Ethereum-based liquid staking protocols has risen above $11 milijarde, with Lido, Coinbase, and Rocket Pool recording 4-10% gains over the past month. Lido holds more than 73% of the total value