Policija na Kosovu je Srbom zasegla naprave za rudarjenje kripto

Kosovska policija je prebivalcem večinsko srbske regije na severu države zasegla na desetine naprav za kripto rudarjenje. Oblasti v Prištini in Beogradu so izmenjale obtožbe zaradi te poteze, which has the potential to raise tensions in the

Vlada ZDA ostaja največji imetnik bitcoinov z zaseženimi zalogami, ocenjenimi na $5.6 milijarde

Od marca 25, 2023, ZDA. vlada držala 205,515 bitcoinov v vrednosti $5.6 milijarde, kar je približno 1.06% krožne oskrbe, glede na trenutno statistiko. Predpomnilnik bitcoinov je rezultat treh zaplemb, ki so se začele leta 2020. Glassnode’s…

Analitik opozarja na pristojnost bank za zaplembo sredstev, Padec kupne moči ameriških dolarjev

Po mnenju Lynette Zang, glavni tržni analitik pri ITM Trading, ZDA. banke imajo pravno pooblastilo za zaplembo sredstev ljudi zaradi zakonodaje, ki jo je sprejel kongres. V nedavnem intervjuju, Zang je razpravljal o tem, kako je kupna moč ZDA. dollar has

Iran rudarjem vrača zaseženo opremo za kripto rudarjenje

A government body responsible for state property in Iran has released some of the hardware seized from illegal crypto mining farms. Its top executive explained the agency was obliged to do that by courts in the Islamic Republic, where unlicensed miners

Don’t Forget the Importance of Censorship Resistance

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of cryptos unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. jaz’m

Belorusija je zasegla milijone dolarjev v kripto, Trditve glavnega preiskovalca

Authorities in Belarus have mastered the seizure of cryptocurrencies, the head of the countrys Investigative Committee revealed in a recent interview. The high-ranking law enforcement official claims the state has already confiscated crypto assets worth millions of dollars. Companies Allegedly Help

Belorusija je sprejela pravni postopek za zaseg nedovoljene kriptovalute

Izvajanje nedavno podpisanega predsedniškega odloka, beloruska vlada je uvedla postopek, ki državi omogoča zaseg imetja digitalnih valut. Ta poteza bo organom pregona v Minsku podelila pooblastila za zaseg kripto sredstev, povezanih z nezakonitimi dejavnostmi. Justice

Centralna banka Argentine pripravlja nove predpise za digitalne denarnice

The Central Bank of Argentina is reportedly working on a new group of regulations seeking to control the totality of the digital wallets in the country. This new legal framework is directed at stopping fraud said to be facilitated by these

Russia Adopts Law Allowing State to Seize Illegal Funds, Digital Assets From Officials

The State Duma of Russia, the lower house of parliament, has passed a law permitting law enforcement authorities to seek confiscation of illegally obtained funds from government officials, including cryptocurrency. The state may attempt to seize the assets through court if

Onecoin žrtve peticije Bolgarije za zaseg premoženja in odškodnino

A lawyer representing investors defrauded by the notorious crypto scam Onecoin has urged authorities in Bulgaria to act on the case, claiming that theworlds largest pyramid schemeis still operating from the country. In a petition with the Bulgarian Constitutional