Bitcoin Miner Marathon Receives Second SEC Subpoena in Connection to Montana Mining Facility Investigation

Marathon Digital Holdings, a publicly-listed bitcoin mining company, has recently revealed that it was served with a subpoena by the U.S. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC) in relation to an investigation concerning the firm’s Montana mining facility. The SEC is reportedly

Odvetnik pričakuje, da bo SEC izgubil, če bo tožil Coinbase zaradi 'usodne napake' lastnega izdelave Garyja Genslerja

A lawyer has explained why the U.S. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC) will likely lose if the regulator takes crypto exchange Coinbase to court over alleged securities law violations. “The problem is entirely of Gary Gensler’s own making,« je poudaril. Lawyer

Golden Gate (GGX) Developer Insights and Novel DeFi

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Golden Gate (GGX) is a novel interchain infrastructure protocol that eliminates Layer 0 communication friction by delivering protocol-agnostic communications and more secure liquidity transfer. Golden Gate mediates interchain communication via the Incentivized Message Delivery Protocol (IMDP), which uses a

Crypto Exchange MaskEX s sedežem v Dubaju lansira virtualno kartico za porabo po vsem svetu in pozdravlja Bena Caselina kot podpredsednika za spodbujanje prizadevanj za globalno širitev

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Dubaj, United Arab Emirates, marec, 2023 – MaskEX, a rapidly expanding third-generation crypto exchange, headquartered in Dubai, has announced the launch of its crypto-backed Virtual Card, enabling users to spend their crypto as fiat in more than 176 države…

House Republicans Demand Answers From SEC Over FTX Co-Founder’s Arrest

februarja. 10, 2023, Republicans Patrick McHenry of North Carolina and Bill Huizenga of Michigan, both members of the U.S. House of Representatives, sent a letter to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman Gary Gensler seeking answers about the arrest of

Velikan prenosa datotek Wetransfer se pridružuje industriji NFT, Partnerji s platformo Blockchain Minima za marčevsko lansiranje izdelka za kovanje

Velikan storitev prenosa datotek Wetransfer je v ponedeljek objavil, da sodeluje s platformo blockchain Minima, da bi ponudil nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) izdelek kovanja marca. Wetransferjeva objava podrobno opisuje, da bodo uporabniki, ki bodo izkoristili sodelovanje Minima, lahko kovali NFT-je iz…

US Senators Unveil New Crypto Bill — Experts Call It the ‘Most Direct Attack’ on Personal Freedom and Privacy of Crypto Users

Two U.S. senators, including Elizabeth Warren, have introduced a bipartisan bill for the regulation of cryptocurrency. The bill, titledDigital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act,” je “the most direct attack on the personal freedom and privacy of cryptocurrency users and developers we’ve

Minxie Launches NFT Project That Aims to Provide the Untapped Creator Economy With Solutions Through Blockchain

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. “NFTs aren’t dead, they are going to be everywhere” says Tina Lou, Head of Marketing at Minxie, “and, actually, the bear market is the best thing that could have happened to them”, she continues, “We’ve weeded through scams and

Bahamski vladni uradniki so domnevno prosili SBF, naj kuje milijone dolarjev v novih žetonih sredi zloma FTX

V ponedeljek, sodni dokumenti odvetnikov, ki sodelujejo pri poglavju FTX Trading LTD 11 primeru stečaja trdijo, da je vlada Bahamov pozvala osramočenega soustanovitelja FTX Sama Bankman-Frieda (SBF) kovati nove kriptožetone. Odvetniki so pojasnili, da je…

Poročilo: Chinese Company Launches Digital Currency Insurance Product

The Suzhou branch of the Chinese insurance company China Pacific Insurance, together with the Bank of Communications, recently announced the launch of a digital currency account insurance product. The launch comes at a time when the number of personal digital currency