Former Paxful CEO Says He Cannot ‘Vouch for Anything Happening There Now’ — Platform Tells Users It Is Back Online

The former CEO of Paxful, Ray Youssef, has told users of the peer-to-peer bitcoin marketplace that he is no longer in control and therefore cannot vouch foranything that is happening there now.Youssef also told a user who claimed to

Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Banking With Digital Assets

Another one bites the dust! The banking industry in the United States is in trouble, and regional banks are feeling the squeeze. A number of banks have failed recently due to mismanagement, poor risk management, and other factors which are leading

Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

US Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Says Bitcoin Provides An ‘Escape Route’ From Financial Turmoil

V ponedeljek, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once again cautioned the public to be wary of central bank digital currencies (CBDC), and he insisted that the Biden administration has launched asteady barrage of hostile broadsides against cryptocurrencies.Kennedy, who recently filed

Težavnost Bitcoina je po četrtem zaporednem povečanju dosegla novo najvišjo vrednost vseh časov

aprila 6, 2023, Težave Bitcoina so se povečale 2.23% višje pri višini bloka 784,224, dotaknil še en rekord vseh časov. To je četrto zaporedno povečanje težav v omrežju Bitcoin od februarja. 24, in trenutna težava protokola je 47.89 bilijon, which is only

P2P Bitcoin izmenjava Paxful začasno ustavi trg z negotovostjo donosa

According to a message from Paxful Founder and CEO, Ray Youssef, the peer-to-peer bitcoin trading platform is suspending its marketplace, and the company is uncertain if it will return. Youssef cited challenges such as regulations and some key staff departures, ampak…

Tether prenosi v klepetu so predstavljeni v Telegramu

Uporabniki sporočila Telegram si bodo zdaj lahko pošiljali vodilni stablecoin, privez (dolar), neposredno v klepetih. Nova možnost razširi seznam kriptovalut, ki so na voljo za nakup, prodaja, in trgovajte z aplikacijo za sporočanje. Tether…

Crypto Exchange Bitzlato Restores User Access to Half of Bitcoin Balances, Poročilo

Bitzlato users can now partially withdraw their bitcoin funds from the dismantled cryptocurrency exchange, according to a media report. The Russia-linked trading platform was targeted by Western law enforcement and had its France-based server infrastructure seized in January. Bitzlato Customers Allowed

Bitcoin omrežje se pripravlja na nov skok težav, saj Hashrate ostaja močan in rudarji dobiček sredi skoka cen

Po zadnjih dveh težavah se v omrežju Bitcoin poveča, marca naj bi prišlo do novega povečanja težavnosti 24, 2023. Statistični podatki kažejo, da Bitcoin’s hashrate je kljub zadnjima dvema prilagoditvama ostal visok, and block times have been

Binance Rusom prepoveduje P2P transakcije z dolarji in evri

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has introduced new restrictions for Russian users, in accordance with the latest European sanctions. The platform is restricting access to peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions in U.S. dollars and euros for traders based in the Russian Federation. Binance Prohibits US